Autumn’s Tide

So subtly you arrive

A hint of color

here and there

Your gentle autumn tide

The sun settles lower

for its afternoon nap

retiring early

rising slower

Storms gather

releasing torrents

of leaves and tears

creating a lather

of leaf piles

and years

Each fallen calendar page

twirling as leaf

to floor

adds to my age

One day

as ageless beauty

I will arrive

on eternal springtime’s



While writing this, sitting by the den window, we suddenly heard a very loud torrent of rain beat upon our awning.  The first storm had arrived!  My husband and son were in a snowfall, while hiking up in our local mountains, that day. That night we had our first frost.  I enter this time of year with more gray than last year and with more hope for eternal spring!

Autumn Tide Blessings ~ Wendy

Lizzie ( shared this awesome quote with me earlier this week:

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” – Albert Camus

Fall is looking more fabulous!

14 thoughts on “Autumn’s Tide

  1. I love your writing, Wendy (and photos)–and for some reason, I always picture you in my mind as younger (no gray)! Maybe because I’m older than most of my blog family–or maybe because the spirit in your writing is so young!! God bless y’all–love, sis Caddo

    1. Thank you! I love your writing, too, Caddo! I remember that you just had a birthday and I am only 9 yrs younger than you… I am finding that my Mom is correct in saying that we really don’t feel older ( between the ears) as we age. To me this is another piece of evidence pointing to eternity. We have teenagers, right now, so this helps me feel young!

      Blessings to you, sis ~ love Wendy

  2. These pics in the water, at the shore , paired with your words and the thought of coming to eternal spring time’s shore . ..was so beautiful! You have me not minding those falling calendar pages either, and seeing the leaves as flowers! God bless you and thank you for encouraging us through your work!

  3. Lovely article and thank you for the mention. I’ve come across another quote for you: “Autumn, the year’s last, loveliest smile.” William Cullen Bryant

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