Illuminating Blogger Award

I would like to thank one of my favorite bloggers, Gracie’s Quest @ , for nominating me for the Illuminating Blogger Award.  Gracie helps me to really think about the Scriptures she writes about.  I follow her blog like many follow ” The Daily Bread”.  Her love for the Lord and His Word shine forth in every post!

Here are the rules:

1) Add a picture of the reward to your blog post.

2) Thank the blogger who nominated you & include a link to their blog.

3) Nominate 5-10 other bloggers and inform them of their nomination.

4) Say 7 interesting things about yourself.

When I first started blogging, this spring; I wondered what the awards were all about- that I saw on other people’s blogs.  I understand it now.  It is an awesome way to give a compliment to others and to tell each other about other blogs they may want to check out.   I will be listing 5 nominations below because they inspire me and I respect how they write.   Please feel no obligation to pursue the award; although it would be great for everyone to be able to check into the blogs you may nominate…

1) Again, I nominate Freedlife @  ~ This is my husband’s blog.  He is not verbose like me but his words pack a punch and often a chuckle.  He takes beautiful photos.

2) Meanwhile, Melody Muses… @ gives me my daily dose of beauty through her lovely pictures and poems.  Read her poems carefully because they are very rich in meaning… and I wouldn’t want you to miss any.  Sometimes she makes me laugh and at other times I am caused to examine my own heart.

3) livingingraceland @  It takes courage to admit you need help.  Once you reach that point then you need grace.  I love people who help others take back their lives and  I admire people who really do practice grace as this lady does.  The name of this blog says it all.

4) R is for Recovery (and Rebekah) @ A must follow if you know someone who has eating disorders.  This young lady points readers to the truth.

5) A Daisy Garden @ is the latest blog I started following.  It is inspirational with lovely photos and a warm down home atmosphere.  It makes me feel cozy.  Plus she has a good sense of humor!

Now for 7 “interesting” facts about yours truly…this is the hard part!

1) I’ve shaken hands with one of our former Prime Ministers ( Joe Clark).

2) I shared the plan of salvation with a patient I was escorting because I thought our small plane was going to crash… rough flight!

3) When my husband and I were fishing for coho salmon 25 years ago we timed each other when sharing the rod when one broke.  We caught our limit that day.  Awesome!

4) I was assistant director of a play, once, and I lost so much weight over the stress of it all that my son asked why my pants were baggy?

5) A friend’s dog was in labor and her last puppy completely stopped half way out and so I assisted and the dog seemed really grateful…my firstborn got stuck too. ( Have you ever heard of the cork screw maneuver?  It worked!)

6) My grandma always saved her own vegetable seeds and I do too.

7) Beth Moore Bible Studies are one of my favorites… I just love that lady!

~ Wendy

I just had to include some flowers…

17 thoughts on “Illuminating Blogger Award

    1. Thank you, Christina. I love your poetry and between reading yours and other peoples’ it’s giving me the desire to write poems again… soon I hope. ~ Wendy

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