Finding Our Calling


Finding Our Calling

Flowers don’t hold back

 passionate heart deep within

clue to our calling


Wendy ❀ 2015




The work that you and the world most needs you to do

will be deeply satisfying to both:

And this is the clue to finding your calling.




I’m reading a memoir by Ryan J. Pemberton:

 Called: My Journey to C.S.Lewis’s House and Back Again

I’ve loved C.S. Lewis’s writing for a long time,

so any fan of his is a friend of mine.

I was blessed to win an autographed copy of it because I’d entered a draw

 on Laura L. Smith’s blog where she introduced us to Ryan.

Here is a link to Ryan’s site: Called

I’m enjoying his book and I even cried when I read the introduction

because I appreciated his honesty. And I admire the depth of his faith.

I dare you to go and watch his book trailer.




Do you have an inspirational/memoir author

 you’d like to recommend?


Blessings of Inspiration ~ Wendy ❀


There’s a free sample download available on his site.


“Go home to your family

and tell them how much the LORD has done for you,

and how he has had mercy on you.”

Mark 5:19




52 thoughts on “Finding Our Calling

  1. In fact, I have a gem of a memoir called C.S. Lewis, My Godfather. By Laurence Harwood. It consists of letters written by Lewis to the young Harwood, whose father and Lewis were friends. Some are in Lewis’s own handwriting, and this lets us see that this mythic man was a real person. Stunning insights into his generosity of spirit.

    1. Thank you for the excellent recommendation. I need to read that one for sure. ❀ By the way, Diane, I’ve started reading your book: The Gift of Memoir… It arrived in the mail last week. 🙂

  2. Oh, Wendy. Goose bumps, as always. “Go home to your family … and tell them …” And see how many come to know Jesus as a result. It’s a beautiful domino effect. Only God. Only God is so contagious. xoxo

    1. Thank you, dear Shelli. <3 "Nothing is impossible with God." I keep reminding myself of this as I pray for what seems impossible in my life and in the lives of others. ❀ Blessings, sweet friend.

  3. Beautiful words, Wendy! Love Lewis and raising Lewis lovers.:) I will certainly have to check out this memoir. And, as to callings, my fondest wish is to one day have someone say I wrote a favorite memoir of theirs! That is a wonderful passage, by the way. Stirs my heart.

      1. Thank you, Wendy! That means a lot to me! And believe me, when this work gets done and hopefully finds its publisher, you will know! I don’t think I will be able to keep my excitement down! 🙂

        1. Keep that passion because agents, editors, and publishers will pick up on it. I’ve read that faith in our own story telling is critical to igniting interest from others. ❀

  4. Hi Wendy, I am always drawn to your amazing photography. They are all beautiful, but I especially like the tulip today. C.S. Lewis is a fabulous author. Thank you for sharing the links too. 🙂

  5. Very beautiful post, Wendy. The flowers are gorgeous! To answer your question, my favorite teacher is John O’Donohue, the late Irish poet, philosopher, former priest. As a poet, you might enjoy reading “To Bless the Space Between Us,” a book of very moving blessings in poetry form, along with a few essays, one of them on “Callings.” I have all his books, and my favorite is “Eternal Echoes.” The language is beautiful and the messages are powerful. I hope you will find a way to read or listen to his work. I’ve written about him on my blog, including a tribute poem, “For You, John O’Donohue.” My post has links to some of his audio lectures, which are incredible to hear. Once you hear him speak, he’ll reel you in! Blessings to you, Wendy.

    1. Cheryl, I went and read the lovely tribute poem you wrote regarding John O’Donohue. Your poem was “beautiful and powerful.” Later I will go and listen to a link. Thank you for sharing this with us. I like the idea of being “reeled in” with poetry. Blessings on your weekend. ❀

  6. I just took some garden photos yesterday to show what was up on April 15 – only crocus, scilla, dwarf daffodils and dwarf yellow tulips. I have been fascinated by C. S. Lewis, a giant of a mind that could write in such ordinary ways that became extraordinary. Your photos show the intricate beauty of the Creator, a good reminder. And, yes, we are called first to home, for there the true “us” will show. Thanks.

    1. Your comment reminds me that those who have known us best will also be able to spot the transformation in us. For some it’s the fragrance of triumph–but there are those who are repulsed by the scent of Truth. But we pray. ❀ I’m glad to hear that spring has finally arrived in your part of Canada. You folks have suffered the cold long enough.

      1. In some ways true, but where I grew up winter was just as we just had it, so it wasn’t that bad. But for southern Ontario this was hard to take. But, as Paul discovered, I have learned to be content in whatever condition I find myself.

    1. I love All Things Bright and Beautiful. Cecil used simple words–but her writing is simply beautiful. Thank you for pointing her out. I hadn’t realized who it was that wrote those lovely words. In homeschooling we learned almost a hundred hymns and a wee bit of history about each one. When our church happens to sing one (such as–Our Father’s World) I get goosebumps as I remember singing it at our old country home looking out at the forest. Hymns are full of wisdom. ❀

      1. How wonderful you were able to spend that time with your children learning more about the heritage of our hymns. We so often sing them without any thought to those who wrote the words, and put them to music. I didn’t know Our Father’s World. It is beautiful. What a heavenly piece to start my morning. Thank you.

  7. Wendy, as always I love your pictures. They make me breathe deep in wonder. You have a way of capturing God’s creation . . . I also loved what you said about calling:
    “The work that you and the world most needs you to do

    will be deeply satisfying to both:

    And this is the clue to finding your calling.”

    Thanks for giving me good thoughts to ponder.

    1. Thank you, Bill. Even a family member of mine who calls himself an atheist admires and respects C.S. Lewis. Lewis was a man who could reach those on either side of the fence. ❀

  8. A beautiful post as always Wendy, accompanied of course by your stunning photography. Your posts always leave me thinking about something or other which then leads onto something else… 😊. I wouldn’t have had a clue a few years ago about my calling, except I believe I was always called to be a mum, and one that stayed at home to love and nurture. But lately I feel I have been called to write and it is so heartwarming when my poems are used in MS related magazines in order to help people on their journey through this debilitating condition. xx

    1. Christine, I find your poetry deeply touching and so I can’t even imagine how much of a blessing it must be for those who walk a similar path as you do. <3 Each person needs to know they're not alone. ❀

  9. Nice post Wendy! I watched ‘Called’ and really admired his tenacity. Being called doesn’t mean the road will be easy. I’d love to read the book.

    1. Thank you, dear Susan. I agree that “being called doesn’t mean the road will be easy”, but I believe one won’t have regrets of what might have been when one does heed the call. Ryan is inspiring for sure. ❀

  10. Wendy,
    I have read the Purpose Driven Life and now I am reading The Art of Work by Jeff Goins. Both point us at listening to God, and finding our passions. Failure only means a redirection. I found you on Tracy’s comments.

    1. Janis, I like your words: Failure only means redirection. God never forsakes us. Thank you for mentioning The Art of Work. I’ve downloaded a sample chapter. (I think it’s neat that you, Tracy, and I all like to create art.) ❀ Blessings on your week.

  11. Wendy so nice to hear you have been inspired by another writer to accept who you are and answer your calling. Its a crazy thing when we discover what we are suppose to be doing. Each time I see one of your videos I know you are meant to tell stories. You have that certain sparkle and your eyes light up when you are telling those stories. How wonderful when we finally get it. My father told us when we were young that the lord had a plan for us all and we just needed to trust in our paths. Happy Tuesday to you.

    1. Kath, we story tellers need each other. Thank you for your encouragement. One of my fondest memories is making my own puppets and putting on a show for my siblings and cousins. I wrote the script too. I should have seen this crazy writing life coming and not stalled so long before embracing it. Blessings as you draw, paint, and write. ~

  12. LOVE this thought you posted: “The work that you and the world most needs you to do will be deeply satisfying to both”. SO true…this was really eye opening for me. Thank you : )

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