Rose Petal Landing



Rose Petal Landing


The kindness of God

as He poured peace into me

a rose petal gift


He foreknew my fears

and made a way for escape

 rose petal landing


There’s no one like Him

giving us eternal life

  wore our thorns of sin


Wendy ❀ 2014





This rose grows by our side entrance.

Our summer was drier than usual this year.

These raindrops were precious and reminded me of the grace of God.

They also reminded me of tears.

I think it’s healthy to cry when you’re overwhelmed.

I feel closer to God when I pour my heart out to Him.  

He knows me better than anyone else does,

and I find great comfort in that–

especially when

I remember He knows me better than the enemy ever could. 




Many changes are in the air with the end of our summer:

my husband is starting a new job;

our sons are learning to drive;

 we’re trying online homeschooling for the first time

 (We’ve been homeschooling for over a decade); 

and our daughter moves up to senior youth group.


I’m not crazy about change (even good ones).

But I’ve noticed extra grace being poured out on us as we step into them.

There’s one thing that doesn’t change…

God is good all the time.

Are you experiencing change this fall?


Autumn blessings ~ Wendy ❀




The Lord will guide you


And satisfy your soul in


And strengthen your bones;

You shall be like a watered


And like a spring of water,

whose waters do not fail.

 Isaiah 58:11 NKJV


57 thoughts on “Rose Petal Landing

  1. Great post, Wendy.
    It’s so easy to get in a comfort zone that all change, even the best of changes, can be difficult. I recently told some friends that Mary hates change so much that if she had her way we would still be living in the small home we bought when we married 29 years ago 🙂
    God cannot bless us if we’re not open to change. I think He’s blessing your family.

    1. You’re right, Bill. God is trying to bless us and I need to open my hands and heart. It sounds like Mary and I have some things in common. I cried when we moved from our old place, even though it was a wonderful answer to prayer. Earth is not our Home. Thank you for shining His Light and hope. ❀

  2. Beautiful, Wendy. I’ve homeschooled the girls all these years, and this year, we’ve added on-line classes, too. But not much change around here lately. I have been diagnosed with “quiet reflux” … which I hope will heal soon. I’m hoping that will change for the better! 🙂 And I’m eagerly anticipating the change of weather … ready for that first cool breeze … though, we did have a mild summer. Grateful for that.

    You are a blessing.

    1. Shelli, we’re able to sleep better at night with the cooler evenings. I hope you get the cool breezes soon. Blessings on your homeschooling year and on your health, dear writer friend. I look forward to reading your blog when I come home from our evening walk. Thank you for your encouragement. ❀

  3. I will keep the thought of a rose petal landing in mind whenever I hit a bump in the road–God knows how to comfort and sustain us amid changes. Glad that you know HE is always with you! Thanks for a lovely post, Wendy! Blessings ~ Laura

  4. He does guide Wendy, so, so gently. The pasture is always green the roses always serene. May the colours, fragrances, stillness of Autumn be yours in fullest measure. I love your photography and words from the heart.

    1. Thank you, Jennifer. Would you believe it’s a little pocket size Olympus FE-20? It’s cute and affordable. Just tonight I realized that with my husband’s recent pay increase I may get an upgrade for Christmas… Yet it’s so convenient to have a small camera. I’ll be keeping this one too. ❀ (What works for me is to experiment a lot with the angles I take the shots at, and then later I choose my favorites from the ‘slush pile’.)

  5. Great post, Wendy! I love the rose petal landing like God’s grace. I don’t much like change either and so I pray that yours will all be good changes that work well for all concerned. Hugs and blessings, N 🙂

    1. Thank you, dear Natalie. I think the changes are all good. I need to catch up with them and get with the program. I’m one of those quirky people who eats the same thing for breakfast for years on end. 🙂 Hugs & blessings ❀

    1. Thank you, April. I can’t wait to check out your blog tomorrow… I’m past my bedtime right now…

      Homeschooling makes for a closer family and higher self-esteem for children. Enjoy the early years of H.S. and do what works for you.

      I taught one of my sons to read while he sat upside down and shirtless pretending he was Mowgli, since we’d just read R.Kipling’s Jungle Book (which is 100 times better than Disney’s version). He loves books.

      Nice to meet you. ❀

  6. As a gardener change is inevitable. For example, our hedge of roses did poorly this year compared to the last 6 years. But our potatoes, carrots and beets have never been this good! Every year differs from another. While we have had to start cutting back our gardening, I am so grateful that we can do some, and have extra vegetables to share and flowers to cheer. Our computer crashed so I lost most of our photos from this year, but we might find someone who can do a recovery job. It just makes the experience of the yard better! Like God, it is better to experience God in the moment than get stuck in any event.

    1. I hope you’re able to retrieve your pictures. We’ve been there… and it was such a relief when Ian found them. I’m lost without my tech savvy husband.

      I love your words, ‘it is better to experience God in the moment than get stuck in any event’. These are wise and peace imbibing–thank you. ❀

    1. ‘This too shall pass’ is a thought I have frequently. Thankfully, our whole family knows how to laugh. The time and love we’ve invested into parenting is now bearing fruit. I need to keep focused on the finish line and not panic. ❀

  7. Lovely words Wendy. Never been much of a gardener me, but we too have some roses just outside our back door. Many a photo opportunity at different times of the year.

      1. We all have our own journey Wendy and each has its struggles. I am blessed with so much, including 5 beautiful tiny tot grandchildren. They kep me young and alive! 😊 x

        Wendy and each has its struggles.

  8. I just had this happen the other day. My girlfriend and I were listening to a song together and we were overjoyed with God in our hearts! It felt good to out pour with emotion like that. I felt renewed and closer to God than ever!

  9. Wendy love the words and roses. You sound like things are really happening. I have learned to embrace change. We cannot hold onto our children forever and they are a gift to nurture and release into the world. I look forward to a new day, and watching life bloom and change.

  10. There’s no one like Him /
    giving us eternal life/
    wore our thorns of sin

    Powerful verses and majestic photos, dear Wendy.
    All the very best to you, always, Aquileana 😀

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