Forever Love



Forever Love


If spring should tease and wake desire

when petals flounce with fragrant allure

I’ll grieve as one who lives no more

for there’s no other that I prefer


When summer’s gone and roses too

a love once held within these arms

 I’ll grieve as one who lives no more

for flowers fade without her charms


When winter comes to bury all

 and red rose hips are cast aside

I’ll grieve as one who lives no more

for death has stolen my fair young bride


Wendy ❀ 2014




I imagine most of us have known someone who loved beyond the grave.




 I wrote ‘Forever Love’ after I’d begun the last chapter of my novel draft.

I was thinking about one of my main characters.

( No, this is not a spoiler since he enters the story as a widower.)




Perhaps I’m silly to write a poem for a fictional person?

It’s actually a good sign that I like him enough to be inspired by him.

In one of the writing helps I’ve been reading,

 it says that in order to have a series of novels that include the same protagonist

you need to love him/her enough to marry him/her;

otherwise it won’t be fun.




I’ve finished my 1st novel draft,

and I’ve started writing another one to keep me busy

and warmed up for when I’ve finished letting my first novel draft rest…

then I will go back  and edit, polish, and whatever I need to do to get it just right.

Only 3 out of 100 people finish a novel they’ve started.

The next dream is to be the 1 in 100 that gets a literary agent.

I suppose I’ll hear of more challenges to face later;

 I’m working on this one step at a time.


Keep walking

One step at a time

One day at a time

Keep moving forward


~ ❀ Moving on Ahead Blessings ~ Wendy ❀ ~


PS – I will no longer be writing about my novel until I have some big news to share.

Thank you so much for all your encouragement.

The WordPress Family is wonderful!



67 thoughts on “Forever Love

  1. Though I self-published, there’s still nothing quite like holding that first book in your own hands! I hope you get to do so very soon! God’s best to you.

  2. Wendy:
    I just was so blessed by your poem and flowers this morning, the Lord directs our day if we entrust it to Him and how marvelous His tender mercies are anew each day! I will continue to pray for your book projects. Blessings~Zoey

  3. Enjoyed the photos as usual. You combine words and pictures in a wonderful way.
    Congratulations on draft getting done. May your literary “Sabbath” give you the freshness to tackle the re-read.

    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement. I hope that spring has fully sprung in your neighborhood since it’s been a long winter in your part of Canada. ❀

  4. Wendy I am hoping to be one of those who finishes a novel too, Im wishing you much happiness and productivity as you push through the edits, I am on the same hard road friend. Your pictures and words lift my soul and I can start my day feeling high on the beauty of nature.

    1. Thank you, Christine. I’m “doing it” one step at a time. It’s taken me awhile to learn to pace myself. Life is also more savory one day at a time. Each word adds up… (I admire your perseverance, dear poet friend.) ❀

  5. What a wonderful post and I love that you wrote a poem for one of your characters! That is a very good thing! Praying with you now as you take this step by step, challenge by challenge. God bless you!

    1. As always I really appreciate that you’re cheering me on, Natalie. I hope that all is well with you, dear sister. I am on my way over to enjoy creation’s beauty on your blog. ❀

      1. You are so talented Wendy, and I wish you great success with your books. Blessings, Natalie 🙂

  6. All are so beautiful, Wendy. I guess my favorite is the one with the bent daffodils, ‘Waiting for the sun…’ I love that…I to am waiting for the Son! 🙂
    Congrats on finishing the draft!!

  7. Congrats on your novel! Thanks for sharing such lovely (and inspiring) photos.

  8. I loved this achingly beautiful post. Congratulations, too, on the completion of your first draft. You’ve done it – finished your novel. Let it rest for a while then rework it again in places. A blessed and joyful Easter to you and yours.

    1. Thank you, dear Mary. It seems a long way off until it’s all done, but I’m enjoying the process and look forward to working on it again. I always appreciate the quality of your nature posts–they show that you enjoy both nature and the research that you do. ❀

  9. Hello Wendy…

    Truly beautiful.. I loved the imagery in your poem “Forever Love”. Worth highlighting, I enjoyed the seasons’ cycle among your words… It reminded me of a poem by John Keats which is one of my favorite poets by the way. I am making reference to “The Human Seasons”

    (You can check it out here:

    And let me know when it is out so maybe I can help you to spread it out a little bit there at Twitter.

    Best regards, Aquileana 🙂

    1. Thank you, Aquileana. What an honor to have reminded you of John Keats. I didn’t start to compare my life to seasons until I’d entered the “autumn of my days” because I was too busy before that to even think of it. Aging brings more time for reflection.Thank you for the generous offer to tweet my book when it’s ready. I appreciate your kindness. ❀

    1. Thank you, Diana. There’s something regal about flowers. I think it’s because they’re designed by a King. ❀ I look forward to seeing the flowers of heaven.

    1. Thank you, Jennifer. I’m going to put on my ‘editor’ hat, be ruthless, and ‘kill the darlings’. Now I truly understand what that quote means. ❀

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