Melancholy Lily

A lovely

lonesome lily

Your appearance

from the side


do turn

and face me now

Whatever have you

to hide?

Draw closer

I beseech thee

Upon your petals

I’ll gaze

Let not

this timidity

Hide your pretty

winsome ways

Come closer

my dear lily

Your anthers

fully displayed


is not becoming

Let faith’s freedom

have its sway

Play your music

before me

Newborn notes

drawing great crowds


so melancholy

Squeezing tear drops

from the clouds

Let love leadeth

lost petals

Languished lily heart



but not forgotten

Spring awakens you



I heard, through open windows, my daughter’s piano lesson as I wrote poetry in my van.  I asked her how the lesson went, and she said that she has learned some sad, but pretty, music today. It appears that this poem was written under the influence of “Weeping Willow” and a couple of other sad, but beautiful songs.

I love happy endings – even if the journey takes me through some melancholy meadows to get there.

Reborn ~ Wendy


For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.  For,

“All men are like grass,

and all their glory is like the

flowers of the field;

the grass withers and the flowers fall,

but the word of the Lord stands


And this was the word that was preached to you.

1 Peter 1: 23-25


13 thoughts on “Melancholy Lily

    1. Thank you! I almost missed taking a photo of this lily. My husband was barbecuing and I had just finished the kitchen work and felt a nudge to hang out with him, outside. Then I saw the opened lily and grabbed my camera. The next morning it was bedraggled… I wonder how many moments I miss, when I don’t heed the call? It was nice to just hang out without feeling the need to be “doing” something. Mary is still teaching Martha!

      Blessings ~ Wendy

  1. Wow, Wow, and Wow, Wendy–gorgeous flower, and poem. I, too, have found that writing poetry to music is very effective. Years ago, I wrote half a jillion to the Windham Hill artists–lots of lovely piano work there. God bless you abundantly–and have a great weekend! love, sis Caddo

    1. Great idea, Caddo! That explains why a poem I worked on last night, while the family was watching a thriller movie, turned out rather dramatic! I prefer music in the background.

      Blessings to you this weekend ~ Wendy

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