How to Beat the Blues in 3 Simple Steps



When disappointment overflows

the banks of my peace

I must give my pain to God

as I wait and believe


Experience has taught me

 the waters will recede

but I must trust in the Lord

before I can receive.






How to Beat the Blues in 3 Simple Steps

I’m not fond of change. In fact, I wore my hair the same way for almost 30 years before I finally decided to grow out my bangs. So when the van I loved (no one else in my family liked it) died recently, I was heartbroken. Yes it leaked through the roof, and it smelled like a musty old basement. But it was my office away from home. My devoted husband spent many hours trying to fix it to no avail. He can fix just about anything. But this time he couldn’t fix my old van. It would have required more funds than we thought it was worth. I wrote a eulogy of sorts on the dusty exterior. I said goodbye. And then I borrowed my husband’s truck for the new couple of months.




1. Give it to God

It’s okay to be heartbroken. Give your disappointment to God, no matter how small or big it is. I admit the dead van is a small thing. But I didn’t know if we’d be able to find an affordable replacement that was as rust-free (must-free would be a bonus) and as easy to drive as my van was. I didn’t like driving my husband’s truck. But I got used to it and ended up listening to a Christian CD about forgiveness over and over and over again whenever I drove it. I needed that reminder, and my van didn’t have a stereo. Whenever anxious thoughts would surface about how we would replace my vehicle, I’d give it to God.




2. Give thanks to God

There’s no room in a thankful heart for grumbling. Give thanks to God for what you do have when you lose something. It’s pretty easy to do when we’re talking about something as benign as a broken vehicle. But it’s just as possible and necessary with the bigger things. I don’t share about some particular personal stuff I’ve been going through regarding parenting. But I can assure you it ain’t no small stuff. I give thanks to God that my kids are alive. I give thanks to God that He loves them more than I do. Wow. He loves them more than I do? I waited and prayed for children long enough to wonder if they were ever going to arrive. Yeah. I’ve had to give thanks in some pretty dark valleys. You can too.




3. Give God your Trust

Here’s something I really get excited about. I’ve noticed God loves it when I choose to trust Him no matter what. So when I want something, I give God my trust. I tell Him I believe He will provide me with whatever it is He thinks I need to have. Period. Then I rest in that truth. When anxiety resurfaces, I remind myself to trust, and I remember all the instances of His provision as well as the uncanny timing of them. Times when funds would show up that were within pennies of the needed amount. I knew those were Providential. Ain’t He good? The key is to give God your trust. He’s the Boss. If He thinks we need something—it will arrive in His perfect timing.




So one day my husband asked me if I wanted to go test drive a truck.

Well now, I’d gotten mighty used to driving his. So I said, “Sure.”

Woo hoo! Can this Pathfinder ever find its way around town. And it’s got a stereo too. The price was so right there was a lineup of people wanting it. But you see, my husband got there first, because God said I needed that truck.

I’m lovin’ it.




My daughter loves it too. I wasn’t sure what to write about this week. I trusted God would provide a topic and went outside for a break to find my daughter waxing my “new” truck. Thank you, God. You are trustworthy.

I can trust Him with my kids too. I know He’ll answer those prayers at the right and most glorious time. He always does. Father knows best.

Beating the Blues Blessings ~ Wendy




I’d love to hear your tips, quotes, or verses for beating the blues.




44 thoughts on “How to Beat the Blues in 3 Simple Steps

  1. Dear Wendy
    I am touched by your post as i am by your writing for I feel your writing style is similar to mine- no set pattern or regularity – except for its irregularity and odd times, there is nothing regular about my posts- and I feel you write the same way too.
    Thank you for bring in life lessons into your post. We all so need them and need to listen to them over and over again.
    I need funds badly for a course for which I might get admission. I say might, because I am not yet selected for it. Somehow I know i will be selected but I worry about the funds and whether I will have to give up the course because of lack of funds but I trust in the Lord.
    One of the things that really helps me is tithing. Giving back to God has always brought amazing mercies for me. I am not sure if the same mercies would have come to me had I not given back. But I chose to believe that it was because of those acts that things have worked so miraculously for me.
    God bless and keep writing such posts from the heart.

    1. Susie, I like your attitude of giving back to God. I don’t believe He needs our money, but we need to give to Him to grow our faith and reliance on Him. Blessings on your future studies, and may God open the doors that are best for you. ❀

  2. A smooth way to awake this morning, Wendy. Thank you! When the blues knock at. my door I yell out, “Show me the way!” (Kind of like “Show me the money!😂”) Then I just start moving ahead and the way opens.

    1. Rita, “Show me the way” is one of my favorite prayers. I’d love a road map to show up in my mailbox, but as I look back over my life I see God has opened and closed doors in a gracious way, so I trust He’ll continue to do so. Good on you for “moving ahead”. Often we need to step into the water before it parts. ❀

  3. I so needed to hear this Wendy! I have a similar story of miracles and timing. In the middle of art show season it’s very rare to find someone that is selling their tent, their panels, anything. In July, 4 years ago, we had some very heavy panels my husband had made for me and I complained about how heavy they were. That was Sunday. Monday there was an ad in craiglist for lightweight mesh panels! And they were half price! My husband wasn’t the first person to answer the ad but we got them because we were willing to wait 2 weeks for them. I took this as a sign that I was doing what I was supposed to be doing, and that there was always help if I needed it. The key is to stay in prayer and trust. like you said. Thank you for reminding me I had such a story to tell, and thank you for your beautiful example. your new truck looks great! And God was preparing you for it while you got a chance to drive your husband’s car!

    1. Linda, I agree “The key is to stay in prayer and trust”. As someone who appreciates and participates in art, I enjoyed hearing about your answer to a prayer. Thank you for sharing.

      My daughter and I were praying about two specific things over the last couple of years, and they were both answered at the same time. Sharing a prayer request doubles the pleasure when the answer arrives. 🙂

  4. Wendy, what a sweet testimony of God’s provision … and your trust in Him–with your vehicles and your children. I bet we have some good kids’ stories to swap … and laugh about, because we know God’s in control. You are a blessing.

  5. I love your post Wendy. Congratulations on the new Pathfinder. Ironic name eh? Being outside in nature really helps me beat the blues. And while I’m out there I realize what’s important and that’s not my iphone or my camera but our spirits and how some day I will go home and it will all make sense.

    1. Thank you, Laura. One of my favorite books is titled “The Pathfinder”. Yes, getting outside in the woods is a great blues buster. I, too, look forward to going Home where we’ll see all things clearly. ❀

  6. I once wrote a list of 99 ways to beat the blues, which included both going outside and coming inside. Yours are a tad more spiritual, although both places hold a connection to a higher being. This is the sort of post that ought to be bookmarked for bluer days. Well done.

    1. Eli, do you have a link for those “99 ways to beat the blues”? It would be great if you could share it here. I find getting out in nature points us to a Designer and Higher Being. It helps me not feel so vulnerable to the events of the world around me. ❀

  7. Love this, Wendy! Our Daddy God is so good to us, so trustworthy. I have seen that providence over and over. My blues eradicator? Cranking up my praise music, meditating on a favorite verse, writing, hugging my precious ones, and, of course, reading my favorite bloggers like yourself. 🙂 Thanks for a good boost!

    1. Marisa, you’ve made me smile. Your list is wonderful (& thanks for blessing me here and on your blog). I need to play praise music more often. So what if my CD player skips—it’s better than skipping out on joy. 😉 “He makes everything glorious”, even our trials. ❀

  8. Wendy, refreshing post as usual. I’ve been through the “ain’t no small stuff” stuff with parenting too. Now both of my sons are out of the house and on their own but that doesn’t mean this mama doesn’t have concerns — and now there’s grandchildren in the mix — through it all, it’s prayer that sustains me and I have seen many answers to them. Also focusing on God’s faithfulness, especially by looking back and recalling how He worked in and through some very hard places in my life, helps me to trust him for today’s burdens, enjoying nature, photography and creativity — these are my favorite blues busters. Blessings to you and your family! PS: Love your new ride. 🙂

    1. Nancy, thank you for reminding me of the powerful part prayer plays in the parenting picture. I can’t imagine trying to walk through this without faith in the Father. Yes, BIG yes, to prayer. Love your wisdom of looking behind you at His previous faithfulness. Remembering past provisions will stop us from grumbling in our desert places. And we know how God feels about grumbling… (40 times over). ❀

  9. As usual Wendy, I’m blessed whenever I stop over here. I’ve grumbled (God forgive me!) when things don’t go my way, but like you, I’ve finally realised He makes all things beautiful in His time, just as He’d made yours (such a lovely jeep) beautiful. I have three important things I’ve been waiting on God for, I trust and thank Him to do all three for me, these are things I can’t do myself, and one of it concerns my last son. His name is Emmanuel and I love him so much, but God loves him more than I do and He’s able to perfect His will in my son’s life. I’ve dealt with lots of blues in recent times but God has always shown up when I sing, and I sing a lot! 🙂
    It’s refreshing writing this, God bless you my friend!
    Much love. 🙂

    1. Seyi, I also lean on the wonderful fact there’s One who loves our children even more than we do. It’s calming and empowering to pray and sing to a God who is love. Yay, for singing. I don’t sing too well—so I belt them out when no one’s around. 😉

  10. love this Wendy – Bible verses, photos and advice – and you are right that most of us parents face and are facing big things in our lives. God Bless you

  11. When things don’t go “right” it is helpful to focus on a hard truth – “It’s not about me!”. If the focus is on The Creator then the vision is 20/20. When the focus is on “my” pain, “my” trouble, “my”… then the thing that makes me blue has become an idol, more important than God. So I agree, a conscious decision to trust the Saviour seems a wise path. By the way, as for car names, ours is a Focus. Hmm. We used to have a Century, but it didn’t last 100 years.

    1. “Focus” suits you. Thank you for your always wise words and for your wit that makes me smile. They don’t build cars (or anything) to last 100 years anymore. 🙂 But we know of a place that outshines the sun, and it ain’t the car wash. Blessings. ❀

  12. A beautiful post as always Wendy. I resist and resist but letting go into how things are, is, for me, the answer. But this is not easy for the human condition to grasp! And yet fighting how things are uses up far too much negative energy. I am still not better from my massive fall two weeks ago and I’m fighting the whole thing asking Why isn’t it better yet every day. But I think the answer is simply, “because it isn’t and will take time”. I can’t concentrate to write anything but I’m reading novel after novel as I sit here waiting! xx

    1. Christine, your words, “And fighting how things are uses up far too much negative energy.” is an excellent version of the Serenity Prayer. ❀ I often recite it to remind myself.
      I’m so sorry to hear you suffered a massive fall. But I know you won’t let anything stop you from being and doing all you were meant to.
      Healing blessings. Your poetry always touches the heart. <3

    1. Thank you for the link. There’s nobody else who sounds quite like Neil Diamond. I remember hearing his music for the first time in a friend’s dad’s sports car (in the 70’s). He played it loud on his stereo, and I suspect he was speeding a bit too. But I lived to tell the story. ❀

    1. Great idea, Kath. That’s the one I use when I catch myself grumbling about housework. I think about all the people who’d love to be able to get up and wash dishes and sweep floors—but can’t. ❀

  13. Our children bring more joy and pain than we think possible. We adopted three and the road has been very hard at times. I still look for God to do a work I can’t. Praying for your situation, whatever it is.

  14. Hey Wendy, how are you? I love the new car, go you!
    Your house sounds lovely as does your acreage. Have a great weekend.
    Many hugs form down under, Paula xxxx

  15. I love this post Wendy, this is my second reading of it. You’ve so beautifully described the response of a mature Christian to inevitable moments of pain and disappointment in life. I admire your writing and how you so deftly build your topics around His Word. Lovely to see your new truck and regarding your allusion to a more serious trial related to parenting, I can relate. We have endured trials in that area and nothing has been more instructive about the importance of relying on Him.

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful writings and photographs in your blog.

    1. Thank you, Vivian, for your lovely comment and encouragement. Your words “nothing has been more instructive about the importance of relying on Him” are so true. On the teeter-totter of parenthood both joy and sorrow are balanced on the fulcrum of His blessed peace. <3

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