⋆ Happy Earth Day ⋆



The Earth Waits

The earth awaits

 its emancipation

for soon the One

who spoke it into being

will return

and make all things

forever new.


Wendy  ⋆ 2015


Sometimes I wonder if the little things I do to be greener make any difference,

and then I got to thinking…

what if every drop of rain wondered if it mattered—

and each one gave up before it hit the earth?


I think every drop of effort adds up to something significant.

And that reminds me of something in the Bible…

God says that if we can be trusted to do little things,

 it shows we can be counted on for the big stuff too.


Don’t give up on doing your small part in respecting creation

 or in working towards whatever dream is in your heart.

Each step you take adds up.




Have you got an inspirational quote about taking steps towards a dream that you’d like to share?


How about a green-planet-loving tip?

(These two bunnies frequently visit my lawn.)


Earth Day Blessings from my house to yours  ⋆ Wendy


Whoever can be trusted with very little

can also be trusted with much…

Luke 16:10




40 thoughts on “⋆ Happy Earth Day ⋆

  1. It’s so easy to be discouraged when you feel like a drop in the ocean and what you do isn’t making a difference. But you’re right, we shouldn’t despise the days of small beginnings. Happy Earth Day. Love those bunnies for doing their part!

  2. Each of us make our contribution that adds up to so much more than we could dream on our own. Lovely thoughts on our Lord’s creation. Love those bunnies! Be blessed!

    1. Thank you, Marisa. You’ve reminded me of the young boy who only had a bit of bread and fish, yet Jesus gave thanks for it and it fed thousands. Yes, “much more than we could dream.” ❀

  3. I enjoyed this post. The picture of the bunnies is so sweet. Here is a quote you might like:

    “We must have ideals and try to live up to them, even if we never quite succeed. Life would be a sorry business without them. With them it’s grand and great.” (Lucy Maud Montgomery)


  4. Yes, little bits by a lot of folks makes at least a bit of a difference for all folks. This year we started a third compost pile for things that take years to decompose, on the railroad side of the hedge. We may never get to use any of it, but I got tired of throwing them into the landfill. Makes me think of the patience of God waiting for us until we are prime for use…

    1. I like your compost analogy–especially since I’m a compost enthusiast and a slow learner. 😉 Our town has yard waste pickup since our municipality composts it for the local landscaping. But I keep most of ours for my own compost bins–at this moment the bins are calling my name to come and harvest the black gold. ❀

      1. Interesting. We use our compost in the fall as a mulch around the roses and other plants. That way we have a head start in the spring – if it comes. Snowing today!

  5. Wendy: I just checked out this book today from our library: To Bless the Space Between Us, and here is an extended excerpt from John O’Donohues’ poem: “For a New Beginning”…

    Then the delight, when your courage kindled,
    And out you stepped onto new ground,
    Your eyes young again with energy and dream,
    A path of plenitude opening before you.

    Though your destination is not yet clear
    You can trust the promise of this opening;
    Unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning
    That is at one with your life’s desire.

    Awaken your spirit to adventure;
    Hold nothing back, learn to find ease in risk;
    soon you will be home in a new rhythm,
    for your soul senses the world that awaits you.

    You would love this book.



    1. Dear Richard, thank you for the excellent recommendation. The poem goes along perfectly with some other reading I’ve been doing lately. “Hold nothing back, learn to find ease in risk; soon you will be home in a new rhythm, for your soul senses the world that awaits you.” This stanza really speaks to me. Yes, I need to read his book. My husband just went onto his library account and put a hold on: To Bless the Space Between Us (2nd in line). Blessings to you & Mary. ❀

  6. We matter. Precious, Wendy. We so often need that reminder. Here’s one little tip … if you place a slice of bread outside your front door, the raccoon will be brave enough to come get it … again and again! 🙂

    1. Shelli, raccoons like to raid our cherry trees when we’re asleep. I don’t mind since the trees are too big for me to bother harvesting the top branches. They are quite the characters. ❀ Sneaky.

  7. Wendy, thank you for reminding us that we are making a difference, however small, and that it is very important to keep on. People, all of us, need to be encouraged.

  8. I don’t have a quote but I do live my life in the practice of giving thanks for all the moments with nature, no matter how minuscule Wendy. Been raining here and I love it when it rains.

  9. Just beautiful. I wish we would some time move over to blossoming trees and some blooms in the grass. I can confirm with a huge certainty that climate change is happening and it’s turning big part of Canada of winter-never-ends land.

  10. A wonderful blog post, Wendy, celebrating the coming of the Great Shift and a beautiful new Earth we can co-create and celebrate. All the signs are appearing – we only need to envision what we want for Gaia as we await her arrival.

    1. Thank you, Mary. The devastating earthquakes are the beginnings of labor pains. They are a double-sided coin of tragedy and hope. I don’t know if I’ll be alive when Jesus returns–but I am thankful to be alive in Him now and forevermore. ❀

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