It’s NaNoWriMo at My House ~ ❀ ~ What Was I Thinking?



The Creator’s Heart


Autumnal artistry

displayed as splendorous fireworks

The Heart you’ve been drawn from


and never empties of Itself


Our Creator God

spilled forth this magnificent universe

The Heart He drew from


to create us in His image 


Everlasting Love

demonstrated through Christ’s Passion

The Heart He’s part of


with abundant grace for all.


Wendy ❀ 2014


Imagining an earth as colorless as the moon

 is like imagining a world






I’ll bet you’re thinking,

“What has this got to do with NaNoWriMo?”

I needed to get your attention first.


I’ve joined with the rest of this beautiful planet

to participate in

National Novel Writing Month 2014.

(I’m attempting to write a 50,000 word novel during November)


Actually, I hope to add even more words to it later.




What was I thinking?


NaNoWriMo had been in the back of my mind for two years,

and I needed to get my mind off my completed novel

and onto something new.


I mentioned to my daughter (who loves to read)

that I was thinking of writing a prequel to my finished manuscript.

(I’ve already got a sequel on the go.)


She got excited.

I mean really excited.

I know she was being sincere,

because if I mention my poetry,

her eyes glaze over.


Poetry is an acquired taste.




I’ve written over 11,000 words for

Where the Evidence Leads (the prequel)


I’m so excited


“What was I thinking?”

all at the same time.




Are any of you doing #NaNoWriMo2014 ?

Which genre are you writing in?

Got any tips you can share with me so I won’t give up?


Write On Blessings ❀ Wendy





I am the Lord,

the God of all mankind.

Is anything too hard

for me?

Jeremiah 32:27 




54 thoughts on “It’s NaNoWriMo at My House ~ ❀ ~ What Was I Thinking?

  1. As long as you factor in holidays and pre-plan your daily word count, you can do this! You can join a group through the NaNoWriMo website and encourage one another. (I assume they still offer that.) I can’t tell you how exciting it is to upload when finished and know you’ve accomplished something big. I’m here for you!

    1. Thank you, dear Patti. I’m trying to stay a bit ahead in case of life interruptions. I have another blogger friend (NaNoWriMo buddy) who is doing it, and we’re encouraging each other. It really helps to be accountable to someone else. Off I go to write… ❀

  2. Got my attention…although, I am just one of many fans…you my dear friend are why I show up with coffee mug and Kleenex, because His words through your heart never fail. Press on…

    1. Thank you, dear Zoey. I’ve just finished bringing my word-count up to 13,699. Time to get some household things done. Hugs. Blessings on your weekend. ❀ I’m loving your Zoey notes.

  3. Wendy good luck I completed it last year and trying to edit that story at the moment. My biggest help was having a buddy who beat my word count every day and she put a fire under me to catch up to her. Write out your tally on the calendar so you can see it everyday. I also found if I did at least 2500 words a day I had a few days to spare at the end because I would oven go over that count. You got this and keep us posted.

    1. Thank you, Kath. I’ve been getting lots of encouragement from Jennifer who is a wonderful buddy. I can barely hit 2000 words without life getting in the way. Your pace was awesome. ❀ Blessings as you edit.

  4. May you and God have fun writing. A columnist, academic researcher I am, but writing as you have taken on, no, not me. Amazing how, out of billions of objects available, leaves always offer such breath-taking uniqueness of beauty.

    1. Thank you for cheering me on. ❀ I’ll bet you could write a book, word by word, if you really wanted to. But I wouldn’t recommend it unless you’ve got the passion for it. It has its grueling moments as well as its glorious ones. And, yes, God is definitely invited onto my pages. Whom have we but Him when it’s all been said and done?

      1. Thanks for the optimism for me, but fiction and I don’t get along very well. We’re not enemies, just tentative acquaintances.

  5. I’m doing it too! My tip (for what it’s worth since this is my first time doing NaNoWriMo): Just keep going! Is your first novel published? I like your poetry, now I’m intrigued about your prose!

    1. Thank you, Marilyn. Your tip is short, sweet and so very effective. My personal favorite is “Just show up.” I say this to myself for writing, exercising, and even in the kitchen when I just don’t feel like being there. Some of my best meals and writing sessions have happened just because I showed up.

      So glad to hear you’re biting the NaNoWriMo bullet. We can do this.❀

      I’m still seeking traditional publishing (at least until I have a few novels under my belt). If the regular door doesn’t open, then I’ll self-publish.

    1. Thank you, dear Jean. Time has been zipping by this week, and I feel like I live in two different worlds. ❀ It’s a lot like being immersed in a novel you’re reading.

  6. Your poetry and photos blessed me soooo much. Actually brought tears to my eyes. And I am cheering you on as you do NaNoWriMo! A prequel sounds perfect!! So exciting!

    1. Debbie, you’re an angel. Thank you for your encouragement. Your poetry posts always calm my spirit and help me remember whose I am. One of my characters leans into that knowledge as she goes through her own dark valley. ❀

  7. You go girl! I wish you the best of luck. I know that whatever you do it will be as splendid as this. Love these photos and you words, especially these: The Heart you’ve been drawn from overflows and never empties of Itself… Simply stunning! Enjoy writing your novel! Hugs, N <3

    1. Thank you, sweet Natalie. xo I am enjoying it overall. Sometimes I have to force myself to ignore the naysayer in my head. But mostly I let the characters show me their stuff, or lack of it. ❀

  8. Enjoy NaNoWriMo, and thanks for sharing your beautiful poetry and stunning accompanying images. From what you write about inviting God onto your pages, you know you don’t do this ‘alone’, so I have no doubt you will succeed if you remember this is ‘team work’:-) Blessings, H xxx

  9. Impressive post dear Wendy… I love your words in the poem ‘The Creator’s Heart’.
    And the autumn leaves are absolutely beautiful :star
    Best wishes to you, Aquileana 😀

  10. I admire you Wendy! I am afraid I am going to have to stick to reading novels! I couldnt possibly think in novel terms. I sish I could. Good luck with it and thank you again fort the he fab photos! I do turn up for the poetry too though! 😊 x

    1. Christine, if I can evoke even half the emotion that each one of your poems do, I will be content with my writing. You touch so profoundly with so few words. xo Thank you, dear friend. ❀

  11. I absolutely love this poem Wendy, it just spurts forth from you naturally. I hope you’ll include some in your novel. I tried Nanowrimo in 2012 but I didn’t finish it, I know I’m not the best person to advise you but I had to give it up for a more pressing project. I’m certain I’ll get back to that story one day. Just try to fight distractions as much as you can. Best of luck. 🙂 🙂

    1. Thank you, dear Seyi. My biggest distraction is the bossy editor in my head. But I shove it out the door and buddy back up with my muse. We prefer just the two of us–three’s a crowd. ❀

  12. Your photography showcasing autumn is gorgeous, especially the first photo with its dappled sunlight caressing the leaf. Now you are on to another novel. All the best with it. Where can I find your first? Is this available on kindle?

    1. Thank you, dear Mary. I’m waiting until I have three or more novels finished before considering self-publishing. In the meantime I’m hoping to secure a partnership with a literary agent. Time will tell. Either way I’ll keep writing. I’m hooked on it now, and I’m sure you know what I mean.❀

  13. Stunning photos, Wendy! And thoughts, too. Good luck with the writing. The best writing advice I ever got was, “Get your butt in the chair and do it.” And it works. 🙂

  14. Hope all continues to go well with your daily writing. I would say that just resting your eyes on the beautiful images in this post would be enough to inspire you to write. They are bathed in inspiration; they glow with it.

    1. Thank you for your lovely and inspiring comment. I’m on target for NaNoWriMo so far (28,209 as of ten minutes ago). Nature and gardens are definitely featured in my writing–but I’m trying to leave out what readers would skip. I’m so glad I joined up this year as it gives me a taste of writing under pressure. Reminds me of my biggest project in college — just hope I eventually get an A on this one too. 😉 Hours and hours of editing to come …

      1. Hope that A comes your way! Editing can be tiresome but there’s also that wonderful moment when you suddenly realise that you know how to make something look/read better.

    1. Thank you, Cynthia. I’m still able to squeeze in time to continuing reading your book. You’ve not only captured my attention, but now I find myself writing bits and pieces of past conversations in my head. I think I’ve got the memoir bug–will have to do research on how to write one at least half as eloquently as you have. ❀

        1. Great idea. I’ve got over 30 years of personal journals to draw from. I have a recovery story to tell. It was so rewarding to share it with our lady’s group at church last year (and scary too). I loved your interview on CBC radio. You inspire me. Now I need to take my son to watch a beach sunset and be inspired by nature. ❀

    1. Thank you, dear Shelli. It’s been good for me. It’s shown me my muse can dream up stuff even if I don’t feel like writing. Having a deadline for 50,000 words is so motivating. I’d recommend it. ❀

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