The Race of Life



The Race of Life 


In times of plenty

do we grab at more to gain

and run in frantic pursuit

of more to attain?


In times of abundance

do we share with those around

or is our greed awakened

while we hoard all that we’ve found?


In times of poverty

do we give to those with less

and will our table still welcome

an unexpected guest?


In times of plenty

or in seasons of our need

our true selves are unveiled

for others sure to see.






Ian and I walked along the Puntledge River earlier this month.




We were amazed at the abundance of salmon and seagulls.




The Pink Salmon were finished ‘the race of life.’




It was loud with raucous gulls; it was ripe with rotting fish.




My heart was moved by the determination of the salmon.




My heart was repulsed by the greed of the birds.




How could they squawk so incessantly

 and squabble in the midst of such ample provision?




My mind quickly spotted the similarities between them and me…




Race of Life Blessings ~ Wendy


69 thoughts on “The Race of Life

  1. A beautiful poem Wendy! And your photos,, as ever, are favulous.

    I love the reflection in your poem, how you were watching the behaviour of the birds and comparing that to how we humans can behave. There is always a lesson to be leaned from nature. I wrote a poem not long ago comparing myself to an angry tree! I dont think its quite there yet so I havent shared it, but I will work on it and see if I can make it share-worthy! 😊

    Blessings sent your way

  2. It’s true that what we have, and what we do with it, shows what we’re about inside. A hungry heart is loathe to share riches, but a heart of plenty will give the last of what little it has. God bless you BIG–love, sis Caddo

  3. The sheer beauty of nature never fails to move me. Your images Wendy always depict that beauty in such a marvellous way; and when they are coupled with your words they make their own lovely music. Thank you.

    1. Don, your comment has blessed me deeply. Both nature and music are two things I don’t want to live without. Interestingly I wrote this while my daughter was in piano lesson and as I pictured the salmon run.

      1. Boundaries. We all have those things that we tend to get caught up in. Mine is busyness, sometimes even in doing good things. This is especially true for me at the holidays. God helps me prioritize and set limits.

  4. I love this poem. What a great lesson from the birds–our hearts indeed clamor for more. Contentment is something to *learn*, for sure. V and I have seen a wide range of material wealth, and my prayer is that our hearts always acknowledge God as our provider, and that we are good stewards of what we have! Being thankful daily keeps the heart in check.

    I am slipping more and more away from my blog, and I miss it–but I know that my attention is needed more elsewhere in this season of life! We are seeing God’s hand growing exciting things around us, and I hope that someday soon I will get to write about some of it!

    I am thankful for a bit of time this evening to read and write and think! Blessings to you–Alison

    1. Alison, it is so refreshing to hear of one as young as you finding contentment in being just where you are at this present time. We, too, have experienced a variety of stages. In each it is the still and quiet times before God that stand out as moments of true richness.

  5. Your poem goes straight to my heart … reflecting on the gracious gifts we have been given and how important it is not only to implement gratitude daily but to continually find ways to give … “giving thanks” and “thankfully giving” … You blessed me today

    1. Mary, this week I’m appreciating the ‘abundance’ of leaves my trees have provided for an ideal garden blanket. Yes, we need to learn to work with and more like much of what nature does…

  6. Your perspective is beautiful and clean. It is special to me because these are the some images I see each day where I live, but Today, I saw them through your eyes. Very special indeed!!!! Thank you….

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