No Walk in the Park



No Walk in the Park


Our life

much like an eagles’ nest

is no walk in the park

It can be dislodged suddenly

in autumnal storms

stolen, silenced, and stark


Our years

of work and wishes wed

destroyed in one single night

Pieces of our past

scattered and strewn

from the totem to take flight


Our choice

whether to sink or soar

 Inner integrity is showcased

when we rise up victorious

pursuing and reclaiming

lost ground now abased


Our love

rebuilds a haven home

Life is no walk in the park

Survival of the faithful

not deterred on paths of pain

Weaving our nest while grace filled


Our setbacks

detour our hearts but briefly

and send our wings to the plow

Flying ahead to furrow new ground

determined and destined

despite life’s furrows in our brow.






Ian and I were able to go walking in a local park

now that my silly foot has mended

from a recent attack in our autumn age.




Another kind walker pointed out the eagle nest high above us.

He informed us that the eagles are rebuilding their nest.

Our first intense fall storm had knocked their old nest down.




That same storm knocked down some large branches from our evergreen giants.

My son has cut them into firewood for my husband’s shop stove.

Waste not ~ want not!




I believe we can let the storms of our lives be used for good.

We can waste a good lesson that we may be in want of.

I’m learning (slowly) to give the storms to God.




I ask him to use it for good.

Such a release of tension occurs when I relinquish trials to my Father.

He truly does have plans to prosper us – spiritually speaking!




Autumn of Life Blessings ~ Wendy



77 thoughts on “No Walk in the Park

  1. I love these places you share with us and I appreciate the line, “He truly does have plans to prosper us – spiritually speaking!” We seem to value what the storms are trying to blow away in order to make room for what’s real and lasting, what He calls valuable.

  2. Nice walk in the park, Wendy, and how fun that you found an eagle’s nest. Your words today are touched with bits of melancholy, but I love that there is triumph in them as well. Life, for me, as well as most folks I expect, has always been a bittersweet proposition. The best part of that is that like bittersweet chocolate, good is the overpowering taste that’s left. I’m so glad your foot is so much better. Have a great day! Natalie 🙂

    1. Thank you, Natalie! I was just thinking about chocolate today. 🙂 My husband often brings me some on the weekend.My foot is almost normal again and it is such a huge relief . I like how you described the bittersweetness of life – so true! I am thankful for the One who leads us from one victory to another. (Would you believe my husband just walked into the room with chocolate…once a week shouldn’t hurt?) Blessings, dear Natalie.

      1. He must have been reading our minds. Of course, chocolate once a week won’t hurt anything. At least that’s what I tell myself. I too am very thankful to the Holy One who leads us from one victory to another. Enjoy your chocolates, Wendy! Blessings, Natalie

    1. Gentle hugs. I found myself embarrassed that I was limping past patients in the hospital that were much older than me and walking so much easier.It was humbling, and I don’t want the limp to return anytime soon; however, I won’t limp alone…

    1. Thank you, Laurie! Thank you also for the healing posts you put together. I will never lose my gratefulness for my own healing of eating disorders so many years ago. So many women are still in the middle of that battle. Blessings upon your family and your blog. xo

      1. Thank you. Yes, my cousin is suffering as I did. That is how I started blogging – as it was the only way I could reach her. Thankful that others have found me.
        Love to you –

  3. Oh I SO love this one, Wendy–beautifully and humbly put; His grace is all over your words, so as to encourage us. I relate well to this–thank you! God bless you with a wonderful weekend–love, sis Caddo (victorious even in the midst of “less than perfection”)

    1. Thank you, dear Caddo! I am hoping for the fog to lift a bit tomorrow so I can take some pictures. If it’s less than perfect I’ll enjoy some garden work instead – I always find something to photograph when I should be working. 😉

        1. Thank you! By the way, Caddo, please feel free to ‘borrow’ a picture when you see one you like ( from any of my blogs ) . I’ve just said yes to another Christian poet who promises to link back when she uses one for her own blog poems. I feel peace about it as long as they are not used for commercial purposes.

  4. Thank you, thank you Wendy, for the so needed gentle reminder that there are things to be learned in the storms. Things I don’t want to miss! God bless you and your family this autumn and always!

  5. Wendy, a soul-searching poem; one i enjoyed very much! Beautiful photos. The eagles can teach us plenty – never give up, no matter what is thrown at us!

  6. This is an amazing post Wendy! And the photos re just fabulous.

    I can relate so very much to your gorgeous poem. In fact I have just completed a piece of prose which I intend to post next, which covers the subject of how I deal with what is presented to me in relation to my illness and how I can either use the negatives to help me grow or keep me stuc; itscmy choice..

    Wonderful food for my thoughts in this lovely poem.

    Christine x

    1. Thank you, Christine! Such powerful wisdom in yours words: ‘it’s my choice’. It reminds me of an old quote: ‘It’s our reaction that blesses or burns.’ Life is hard, and there is no point making it harder.

  7. I love this perspective 🙂 Your poem is beautiful and perhaps inspired from within. God indeed is awesome and truly doesn’t waste a hurt or anything for that matter 😉

    I love your use of the words ‘autumn age’ 🙂 May God prosper you in this season!

    Blessings to you always my friend….(you were the very first person to follow my blog and you will always hold a special place in my heart 😉


    1. Wow, I had not noticed I was the first. When I was overdue with my first baby I was sent to a specialist – later when I went regarding my second child he told me I had been his first patient in his new practice. I felt honored then too. He is a wonderful doctor with a good reputation (and he can accurately guess a baby’s weight ahead of the birth) .

      1. Yes. I remember watching an interview once with a woman who discussed the beginning of her relationship with her husband. She said her heart was “open.” It was a “wow” moment for me. x

        1. It is a joy when hearts are safe to open. Sadly, some spouses are abusive and this closes up the hearts of both the children and partner. May intervention open eyes so that healing can take place in those homes.

  8. So beautiful. I especially love the fallen tree photograph. It’s gorgeous. Yes, weathering the storms…such an important (often unsettling) part of our lives. Knowing it serves a purpose helps ease the pain.

  9. Such true words. But there is always much to be thankful for, sometimes we just have to look a bit harder. Loved your poem and these great photos. Glad you’re foot is on the mend. I know all about foot issues and how just taking a walk can seem like a wonderful thing, after that kind of “storm” is ended.

    happy weekend, G

  10. Thank you for this lovely post. As I face a medical situation which fills me with fear and dread, I find your poems very comforting, and your photos are inspiring too.

    1. My heart goes out to you over your situation. Our bodies seem almost to betray us at times. I hope that you find the right answers and the perfect solution. Gentle hugs.

      1. Thanks so much. I try not to share too much personal stuff on my blog, but putting it out there is bringing me many encouraging messages, which are so appreciated.

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