Birds and Blooms Medley






I tell thee true

for all my dreams

encircle you!




My Darling Dove


Coo, Coo

my darling dove

Come fly with me


to heavenly heights

of lasting


I plead – I ask – I pray?

We’ll rest

midst blossomed branches

 gazing into

each other’s


And without

a flutter

of a feather

we’ll soar

as blissful groom






How beautiful you are, my darling!

Oh, how beautiful!

Your eyes are doves.

Song of  Songs 1:15




I was called outside by the cooing of a lover for his bride.  They were both in our ancient cherry tree.  She was hiding behind a branch – but he was pleased to pose!




Loyal Robin Nonet


Robins teach us that loyalty rules

They aren’t the bird-brains: Nor the fools…

Some can’t hold a vow as long

Perhaps we should sing songs

and build together

our nest above







Every spring and summer I watch as selflessness is displayed among the red-breasted simpletons. Impressive! I know that I need the grace of the One who sees the feathered ones fall… yet there are some relationships that are better not to continue.




Triumphal Haiku


Love lightens the load

foster faith with your feathers

rise above trials!



I was taking pictures of flowers in my garden when I looked up to see an always soothing sight…


Birds & Blooms Blessings ~ Wendy


You are invited to visit my Bible devotional blog: 


68 thoughts on “Birds and Blooms Medley

  1. Wonderful! We have been delayed here in southern Ontario by rain (can’t work in the garden muck) and cold (frost again last night!) and grackles (who ate all the peas I had planted) as well as all the family obligations this spring. Our cherry tree has leaf buds – and that’s it. But the birds are busy!
    I agree, just a reminder that God’s great love and grace become ever important…

    1. I am so sorry to hear about those greedy grackles. My very first planting of peas, about 29 yrs ago, was gobbled up by birds. I was so disappointed! Mine get covered by garden cover, now, until they are at least six inches tall. We have so many birds that I cover most of my vegetable plantings until they are biggish. I love hearing all the birds singing and not worrying what they are up to in my garden… 🙂

  2. Hello Wendy-Lee!
    Lovely to hear from you. They robin is beautiful. So your worlds shining and Australia is getting wet. Lol
    In the U.K still. Sun shines and you freeze! Lol hugs Paula. Xxx

  3. My kids and I love watching doves outside, too. We laugh and call them “lovey doveys”! I am grateful for the one God is letting me journey with…to unite in love and faith and a shared hope! Weekend blessings! L is reciting Acts 9:1-22 at noon on Monday…we are enjoying hearing him practice at home. –Alison

    1. Alison, I’m praying for your son to do his very best. Have you got it memorized after hearing it so much? 🙂 My kids memorize so much easier than I do…

      1. I have some of it memorized but certainly not the whole thing. The King James version doesn’t always flow naturally for me, and lately L has been practicing with his dad while I keep A quiet and occupied! I have certainly done a lot of thinking about the passage, though!

      2. I hope to make an official post out of this, but L delivered his piece flawlessly today and earned first place in his category/grade! He gets to participate in the state competition in about two weeks! We can’t wait to tell him in the morning.

  4. Hi Wendy! First, Forget Me Nots are my absolute fave, so thank you for this especially. All of it’s great, of course–and I really appreciated the note about some relationships being best discontinued. My brief marriage ended in 1978, yet there are still times when I grapple with–did I do the right/best thing, by leaving. I believe I did–but I so admire those who hang in there, and see miracles happen. God bless you today–love, big sis Jael-caddo

    1. I admire people who “know when to fold them, hold them, walk away, or run!” It does no service to anyone to stay in an abusive relationship other than to teach children that it’s normative to be abused or abusive. Hugs to you my dear brave friend! xo

  5. What peace spills out of your words … what joy the Father must have had when He thought about all these things in His heart and then spoke them into being … just so we could get a glimpse of Him … you do such a marvelous job pointing us to HIM… and all that nature teaches us about His character 🙂 THANK YOU, faithful friend!

    1. Heidi, I love what I learn about Him from nature – even as C.S. Lewis puts it: “He is not a tame Lion!” Your posts reveal His glory, to me, each time I visit… and that’s where I am now headed. (Thank you for your encouraging words.)

  6. What a beautiful collage of blooms and birds and poems! I feel like I’ve just been to a very special concert! Thank you, Wendy, and God bless you too!.
    p.s. we were awakened this morning by a robin flying into our window, over and over again. I really had a hard time discouraging him! haha!

    1. Debbie, I was greeted, today, by a hummingbird at our kitchen window – but since the windows are not exactly sparkling, he knew it was there! 🙂 It makes me want to get a feeder so I can take pictures and watch our indoor cat be entertained…

  7. Ah – balm to the winter-blasted soul! I can finally see some of my garden soil – the snow is receding slow and sure now. I can’t wait to find all my green friends growing in their old spots!

    1. Melody, this will be your sweetest spring and summer, ever, after such a long spell of snow!! I look forward to your prairie version of spring. It won’t be long now, dear friend.

  8. I need your prayers..headaches all day every day i have..i’m seeing a neuroligist and she is giving me meds that don’t work..please keep praying for me..she is going to do a mri as soon as my insurance will agree.

    1. Betty, my prayers will continue until you tell me otherwise (I’ve got your name in my prayer book). My heart really goes out to you – I had a migraine for only two days this week and wondered how you stand it for so long… except by his grace. One of the key phrases I pray is that: “You would get proper diagnosis and treatment.” Healing hugs & prayers, my sweet friend. xo

    1. Thank you, Susan, for your kind words and for mentioning me on your blog. I have written your name down in my prayer book concerning your humanitarian work…

      Blessings dear friend ~ Wendy xo

  9. Feels so nice visiting your enriching blog again. The pictures are beautiful and your words make them real for us.

    Many thanks & cheers 🙂

  10. Wendy, I loved how you captured the creativity of God in these beautiful photographs. I also enjoyed reading your words reminding us to love God and others. Writing and exploring nature is a wonderful way to communicate with the One who made us.

          1. Lol – I have lived my life correcting it (most people think April when they hear Easter, so that is the most common mistake.. others think Heather.. not quite sure why).

            Sweet dreams,


  11. Love this sequence of poems and photographs… the doves, the robins. Oh yes! We do love them, and enjoy their visits to our yards. Have a few resident robins that I delight in seeing through the summer. I am fortunate to have the doves, mourning and Eurasian collared-dove, pretty much year ’round. Unfortunately, the band-tailed pigeon takes over in massive quantities this time of year, through the summer. Wouldn’t mind a few but they swarm (maybe 40 of them?) and eat up the seed so quickly, and scare the smaller birds.

    Another lovely post, Wendy.

    1. Thank you, Pam! We get flocks of starlings that seem to outnumber the other birds… they are cute little characters but I am not sure what trouble they cause – if any? I suspect it’s a good thing I cover my seedlings. 🙂

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