Promise of Spring



Winter Quilt


Insulating quilt

over promises of spring –

down feathers falling.






Winter Prayer


Help me to be still

as daylight hours lengthen –

soon spring will rush in.




Daylight Blessings ~ Wendy

I love to garden!  And I mean – LOVE!  But I do enjoy the restfulness of winter to catch up on cozy indoor hobbies.  What do you love to do in the winter?

32 thoughts on “Promise of Spring

    1. David, that sounds like perfect weather to me! It’s nice that you are taking advantage of it so that we can enjoy your photos…

      Blessings dear friend ~ Wendy 🙂

  1. Hello Wendy-Lee! I love to read in the winter and snuggle up in bed and watch the tele! That’s bad I know!! Lol Going to bed soon as it’s midnight! Super hugs to you Wendy-Lee…….Paula xx

    1. Your answer sounds cozy to me! My version of the tele is to read blogs in the den while the family watches a movie in the same room… except I’d add snacks to the scenario. 🙂 I hope your day is going well, Paulama. Hugs!

      Blessings dear friend ~ Wendy xo

  2. Nice pictures, Wendy! I love the snowflakes in the first one! 🙂 What I love to do in the winter: Go for long walks outside (with my camera), especially if it’s sunny and snowy! Hugs

    1. Thanks, Calee! I’m glad that you could see the snowflakes. I love macro for that very reason…and I’m happy to hear that you also like taking pictures in the snow! My daughter is hooked on snow photography now. It snowed on Christmas Day and she went out with her new camera… Hugs!

      Blessings dear friend ~ Wendy xo

    1. Wow! You are definitely a good spokesperson for winter! I have to admit that sometimes in the middle of a busy gardening season I crave the cozy rest of winter…

      Blessings new friend ~ Wendy 🙂

  3. Ironic that these photos appear just as we end our own annual January thaw. Temps back below freezing now so ice will be a problem. I work outside all seasons so seasonal changes are minimal, and though we garden like crazy, I do like shoveling snow and gathering ice and snow to melt for houseplant watering. Snow angels to you!

    1. Was that a typo when you said you like shoveling snow? if not – I’m impressed! But I do like the idea of snow angels… Our sons keep our place and the neighbor’s shoveled when it snows.

      Blessings dear friend ~ Wendy 🙂

      1. No typo. Snow removal is one of those tasks that when done I can look back and my accomplishment is clearly defined. Some of life isn’t so easily assessed. Glad your sons help out the neighbour; such help can mean a lot. Born in February in snow-belt midwestern Ontario I have considered myself to be a child of the snow.

        1. I agree about the satisfaction of when an “accomplishment is clearly defined” – that’s how I feel about raking leaves or weeding. The fresh air and exercise are a good by-product too!

  4. “Help me to be still”–good words especially this week in our family. A fork in the road…and the choice is only known to God! Just as spring will come for those covered plants, something will come to us, either a new opportunity or a new look at an old situation!

    As for winter…I took my daughter to the pool again today. When I’m in “real” winter weather, I love to walk, sled, ski, and just play. It’s been decades. Throw a snowball for me sometime until our family takes a wintry trip someday!

    Blessings today–Alison

    1. It’s hard to be still when one’s life is in limbo. Alison, I’m glad that you place the uncertainty before the unchanging One. He is the Anchor that keeps our boat from drifting out of his will.

      I’ll toss a snowball in your honor when it snows again, and would you please enjoy that wonderful sunshine for me as we get so many gray days here… 🙂

      Blessings dear friend ~ Wendy xo

  5. I am loving the winter photos and poetry. South Texas Gulf Coast winters have such erratic temperature swings, keeping both the garden and me wondering what season it really is. But today it is cold and gray, a bit rainy. A very good day for catching up on household chores, reorganizing, reading, and (my favorite) looking at the seed catalog. I love Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds. The catalog is a work of art.

    1. Mary Ann, I am with you about enjoying a good seed catalog! Our vegetable garden is much smaller since we moved to town, but I enjoy packing those plants into it…

      Blessings dear friend ~ Wendy xo

  6. I’m loving your haiku with photos! We have everything covered in ice right now and I thought of you, how you’d capture a perfect picture of it and then write a lovely poem as well! God bless you and yours as you keep taking photos and writing this winter!

    1. Debbie, we had a “tease snow” last night. That’s when it starts to snow just as you are going to bed and so you get your hopes up for a pretty morning and then you wake up to gray skies and just a teeny tiny bit of white dusting on the ground… but there’s 10 feet of the stuff up on the mountains. 🙂 So I won’t complain since I can go up there to see it. I’ve got more snow pictures stashed away from our December snowfalls…

      Blessings dear friend ~ Wendy xo

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