Feathered Dance



Feathered Dance


Fair feathered angel of swans

lands softly as a snowflake

Dot of living breathing snow

that trumpets our morning awake


Despite the gray wool blanket of sky

and the frosty mire of ground

your dance is glorious none-the-less

as white angels gather round.



This is as close as I could get without disturbing the swans.  I almost froze to death as I crouched and crawled across the frosty ground.  It was worth it… as they are truly magical!  Creation trumpets the Artist’s fame!

Trumpet Call Blessings ~ Wendy


16 thoughts on “Feathered Dance

    1. Thanks for making us coffee, Ian, and driving me there…and thanks for not teasing me for creeping along the ground on my belly so that I could get a better shot with my camera.;) You are the best! xo

    1. Thankfully there is not, Melody! One of our children overuses theirs and it drives the rest of us buggy! 😉 Maybe I should get that child an alarm with the sound of swans?
      Blessings dear friend ~ Wendy

    1. Thank you, Caddo! It took hours to truly warm up after that… I love your comment “intrepid to brave the cold for art”. Caddo, my dear poet friend, even your comments are poetical! 🙂 Hugs!
      Blessings ~ Wendy xo

    1. Thank you, Lizzie! Today these feathered angels make me think of the angels tending to the dear children who were stolen from their parents yesterday. Those heartbroken families need all of our prayers.
      Blessings dear friend ~ Wendy

      1. Thinking of this beautiful post and then the feathered angels makes it even more touching, Wendy. Thank you for following His heart in all things . .even when it isn’t easy or comfortable or warm. God bless you and all you put your hand to!

        1. Debbie, you always bless me so much with your thoughtful comments. Your words always inspire peace. “Blessed are the peacemakers…”
          Thank you dear friend ~ Wendy

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