Faith’s Face



Faith’s Face


A riot of vigorous verdancy

in the fertile fields have grown

while the barn of plenty awaits

the fruit of the labors sown

A sea of soil’s sumptuousness

between the earth and sun has smiled

as the barn stands – a stoic sentinel

awaiting the harvest to be piled

Soon bleakness will banish the bales

and replace them with barren and brown

But faith’s face still can smile

as spring will again roll around!


I drive by this farm regularly and sometimes stop to take a picture… or two! The white dots on the field, in the second picture, are Trumpeter Swans.  And, yes, another picture of the Comox Glacier – I just love looking at that chunk of ice!

Bales of Blessings ~ Wendy


26 thoughts on “Faith’s Face

    1. I love the idea of a simple wreath on a barn! That sounds lovely. You’ve reminded me to hang my homemade one on our outbuilding that looks like a cottage… thank you!

      Blessings to you, Ellen ~ Wendy

    1. Thank you, Tamara! I am honored; but I am sorry I need to decline. My previous post explains why. I really appreciate your kindness in thinking of me. Congratulations on your award!
      Blessings ~ Wendy

      1. No problem, Wendy! It is a way of telling people you read they have great blogs-and your is one of them for sure!
        All the best from Ljubljana

  1. I love how your barn has a history and a story to tell – they all do, don’t they? If they could but speak…but wait! You speak for them! 🙂 Lovely thoughts for today.

    1. I love old houses too! Especially the kind that still have the original flooring, trim, and windows. I’d love a holiday touring old homes and then go out for a hot fudge dessert. After trapezing up and down all those stairs I’d be hungry… Oh, yes, and then a return trip in the summer to see the gardens in full bloom. (followed by just a little something cold and chocolaty) 😉

      Old Time Blessings ~ Wendy

    1. What a wonderful comment, Paula! It blesses me to think that peace overflows here – especially as I prepare to celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace. I am trying not to get lured into the materialism of Christmas; I want to keep things balanced – including our checkbooks! 😉
      Blessings to you dear friend ~ Wendy xo

      1. LOL. Materialism and I are one of the same! *laughing* I don’t have the faith that you have! But, I have you as a friend and that’s real, so I thank you and hug you!! ……..Paula x

        1. Hey, don’t get me wrong – I like stuff too! 😉 But I don’t like the feeling I get when I overdo shopping or find myself wanting more than being thankful. My favorite shopping score is when I find a great book or antique buttons at a thrift store. Your honesty is so refreshing! Hugs back to you! xo

  2. One of my son’s favorite books right now is “Farmer Boy” by Laura Ingalls Wilder. He told me tonight if he could “go into the book”, he would milk cows with Almanzo. He has mentioned this more than once. I hope to take him and little A. to visit a real barn on a real farm someday. Your barn picture reminds md of where I grew up in Connecticut. I miss it.

    Your words were beautiful!

    1. Our family loved the Laura Ingalls Wilder books, too! I read them to the three kids during our earlier home school days. Her description of meals drove my boys wild with hunger, as we did our read aloud just before lunch… I cooked a lot of pancakes and waffles back then.

      Blessings dear friend ~ Wendy

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