When It’s All Been Said



When it’s all been said

and my spirit flies away

may love have spoken


Wendy / 2016


When I’m feeling like a wrung out dish rag that’s too tattered to make it through another wash and rinse cycle without disintegrating, and I’m tempted to throw a pity-party (without balloons or guests), I look up and remind myself where I’m headed when this feet on the ground adventure is finished.


Within nanoseconds I sense a Presence.


And unlike voices from the past who would have told me to pull myself up by my whatever-straps (I rarely wear boots), I hear a whispered, “I’ll lift you up.”

And that’s enough to make my spirit soar.

I know where I’m going.

I know Who loves me.




Now excuse me while I go about my Father’s business.


How do you handle the temptation to indulge in self-pity when you’re feeling overwhelmed?


Fatherly Love Blessings ~ Wendy


My other blog: www.wendylmacdonald.com 


