Respectfully Thine

Respectfully Thine


A picture

A comment

She said you were shy…

An invite


You sat by my side!

It’s winter

A party

You asked me to dance

It’s later

A question

My number per chance?

Time passes

A phone call

Would I like to play?

A first date


You beat me that day!

Second date

Go skiing

On cross-country skis

I notice

You’re quiet…

It’s not meant to be?

A phone call

I answer

“No thank you”, I say

I’m thinking

You’re quiet

I’ll stay home today…

A movie

I see you

Alone, as am I…

Hearts flutter

Smiles exchanged

I am ready to fly!

A phone call

You answer

And then you said, “Yes!”


Will not work

Sunday would be best

It’s  Sunday

A bike ride

To the beach downtown

A moment

Eye contact…

It’s you I have found!

Months later

I wonder

Is friendship enough?

A long hike

A brief pause…

An embrace on the bluff ~

I’ve  got it!

You have it!

Not a word was said

Growing close

In a year

Vows made and we’re wed!

You’ve held me

I’m cherished

You’re forever mine

Three decades

I’ve loved you

Respectfully thine.

It is our 29th wedding anniversary today.  Earlier this week, Ian invited me to go with him to take photos at the beach.  He wanted  to pick out some beach logs to finish a bench he is making for us.

The kids were in a stay at home mode;  so we had a date for just the two of us.  It was awesome!

This poem tells the general outlines of the beginning of our love story. God hasn’t finished it yet; and I am grateful .

If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea,

even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.

Psalm 139: 9

Married August 19, 1983

~ Wendy