Site icon Wendy L. Macdonald

The Garden of Her Heart



The Garden of Her Heart


Before He opened the gate

to the garden of her heart

it was overgrown with brambles

that had won the greater part


Once she’d given Him permission

the restoration had begun

until the flowers became the focus

under the gentle springtime Sun


In the fire branches were thrown

and their ashes used for good

until the borders bloomed glorious

as the Gardener knew they would.


Wendy ❁ 2014



I wrote this poem out of thanksgiving

for what God can do  in a heart.



There are places that I do not like to go anymore–

places with brambles that choke out joy and peace.



  I know that some things are not lovely, pure and of good report.



The garden of my heart is tended by a loving and faithful Gardener.

I know that He cares for me too much

to allow invasive weeds to choke out our favorite flowers.



His plans are always for good so that I will be blessed

and his glory will be revealed.

Blessed be the name of the Lord!



Glorious Garden Blessings ~ Wendy ❁



PS – My novel draft is over 55,000 words now.

The last two weeks of writing were more challenging

as my confidence waned.

But I have been reading about other writers who have succeeded.

They, too, were often riddled with doubt–

they kept writing anyways.

That’s what I’m doing; I’m writing anyways.

My determination is waxing.



If you have a dream,

keep dreaming 

and doing.


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