Site icon Wendy L. Macdonald

The Piano Tuner


The Piano Tuner


Please tune my needy heart

So it may ever be

A song of redemption

With every note in key

Remove any wanton cloak

Of sin’s prideful deceit

Place in my inmost parts

Your truthfulness to speak

Within my inner core

I ask and long to be

An instrument of grace

Played in your symphony

Pull tight each ancient string

Set stubborn pedals free

Conducting a duet

Of only You through me.


This old piano was a gift.

 What I mean is that my daughter’s piano teacher

told us about an abandoned piano that needed a home.

 Our daughter needed a piano.

 Her keyboard was not enough to develop her skills,

and we had prayed for a piano that would not bust our budget.

Thank you, Lord, for this beautiful, ancient answer that has a voice of an angel.

 While our piano tuner had the front removed, I took some photos.

 He informed us that this was a very, very old and well made instrument.


Musical Blessings ~ Wendy ❀


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