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Ode to Mothers and Daughters



Ode to Mothers and Daughters

Mothers and daughters

share a bond like no other

as one day they’ll become

friends for each other.



My daughter, Kara, loves to decorate and so do I. And since I’m busy writing a 50,000 word first draft of a novel during NaNoWriMo (my second year doing this crazy rewarding challenge), I thought I’d feature some photographs that showcase her creativity. The above picture is of the corner of her mirror.



Kara creates her own masterpieces with acrylic paints.



She makes most of her own decorations.


Kara used pine cones from our garden for this wreathe.



Regularly she’ll scrounge from my fabric stash and create artsy pillows.

Kara stenciled the fox onto this one.

I’m so proud of her.



Kara says autumn is her favorite season.



But I suspect you already figured that one out–right?




She even raids my canning cupboard.




I love her art.



Even the light switches aren’t safe.

Pumpkin spice is nice.



I suggested this idea of wrapping lights around her standing lamp.

Wait a minute… that lamp looks familiar.



I love having a daughter.

My two sons are awesome too cause they only raid my fridge.


Decorating Diva Daughter Blessings ~ Wendy

Did you see my other post yet about the squirrel I had a close encounter with?

Here’s the link.

Are you doing NaNoWriMo this year?


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