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My Blog Has Gone to the Birds (Homeschooling and Living Books)



Birdsong greeted morning

and sun-kissed flowers bloomed

 as creatures gathered straw and sticks

to build their nesting rooms


Raindrops christened noonday

and a robin bid retreat

within the branches of the trees

his partner soon to meet


Sunset blessed the evening

and the jays all disappeared

within the woods to their own nests

 well hidden and yet near.


Wendy ❀ 2015



Nesting season is in full swing in our garden and in the woods.

One of the delights of home schooling that I’ve appreciated over the years

was the excuse to read about nature

 aloud to my children.

One spring we set up a bird feeder near our dining room window

and identified and recorded the various visitors.

My mother had sent me

The Birder’s Field Notebook,

and we had fun adding the name of each feathered friend we met.

My most recent entry is the red-winged blackbird pictured below.



One of our favorite books was an older hardcover about the Crow family.

I consider it a living book.

A living book is written by someone who is passionate about a subject

as opposed to a dry textbook full of regurgitated facts

that were gathered by academics for the sole purpose

of facilitating learning outcomes.

Yawn. Zz




In the living book we learned that the crow family is

secretive during nesting season.

In over 50 yrs of living on this planet

I’ve only witnessed a member of this family gathering

nesting material once,

and it was this month, while giving my son a driving lesson

(you may remember that I tend to get distracted

 and stare off into my surroundings

instead of being an attentive teacher/ re: Driving Mrs. Crazy),



I spotted two ravens sitting on a gate that blocked an empty lot,

and one of them was holding a beak full of straw.


I suppose it could have said the same thing back to me

 for my inattentiveness to my son’s driving.



My most favorite Living Book of all

 is the one inspired by the God

who is passionate about each one of us.



All Scripture is God-breathed

and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting

and training in righteousness,

so that the man of God may be

thoroughly equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:16


Living Word Blessings ~ Wendy ❀



Do you have a favorite nature and/or inspirational author

that has passed on their passion to you?


PS: In homeschooling we used a simple little booklet to do drawing lessons from.

It was written by a passionate artist who believed anyone could learn to draw.

Here’s a recent drawing my middle child, Galen, did for me

on a special occasion.

I always suggest to my kids to draw me something rather than buy a card for me.

(Have you read my post about middle children?)


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