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The Unexpected Kindness of a Stranger



A stranger’s kindness

birds appearing in the woods

unexpected gifts


Wendy ❀ 2015



At the end of December,

Ian and I were enticed by some sunshine

to go bird-watching at Lazo Marsh.

But when we arrived

we couldn’t see any feathered friends.

As we got closer to the water they appeared in the branches.



I’ve not been one to feed birds.

 I figure our garden is already bird-friendly enough

with its abundant supply of organic berries and seeds.

But I wished I’d brought some food with me

so I could lure those sweet little critters 

closer to my camera.



And that’s when the kindness of a stranger intervened.

A retired gentlemen approached us

 while I was struggling with my camera, timer, and tripod.

He stepped closer. “I can take a picture of you both.”

I smiled. “That would be wonderful.”



He pressed the shutter button. “I’ll take two just to make sure.”

He took another picture, and then he pulled a bag of seed out of his pocket. “Would you like to share some with the birds?”

I hesitated until I remembered how desperately I wanted some closeups

of the chickadees and juncos. “Yes please. Thank you.”



Ian chatted with the friendly gentleman

while I snapped a bunch of pictures

of  chestnut-backed chickadees, Steller’s jays

and whatever else stood still long enough.

I don’t like to keep my husband waiting too long,

so I took advantage of the situation.

~ ♪♫ Happy days are here again. ♫♪ ~

(Every once in a while I joined in their conversation

when they talked about current events.)



Eventually it was time to say goodbye to the kind gentleman.

 I pulled my attention away from the birds

and made eye contact with him. “Best wishes for 2015.”

His face brightened. “Thank you.”

And that was when I realized

we had been kind strangers to him too.

We had broken up his lonely day.



We have escaped like a bird

out of the fowler’s snare;

the snare has been broken,

and we have escaped.

Psalm 124:7



Blessings of Kindness ~ Wendy ❀



Have you recently been blessed by the kindness of a stranger?

Oh, do tell, if you have a minute to spare.


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