Site icon Wendy L. Macdonald

¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ The Twelve Days of Blogging ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸



¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ The Twelve Days of Blogging ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸


  On the first day of blogging WordPress gave to me… a social media platform for free.

Seriously, though, I’d love to share with you some of the reasons I love blogging.

( Do you think there’s any chance I’ll get Freshly Pressed for mentioning their name? )


1st Day. I love blogging because it’s free to start a site on WordPress.

That’s important when you’re a stay-at-home mom in a double-income world.


2nd Day. Blogging has enabled me to meet so many nice people from so many different places.

I’m not comfortable in crowds unless I have a specific job to do such as greeting.

Blogging makes it easy to spontaneously mingle,

and I’ve noticed it’s helped me be more comfortable mingling in my local world too.


3rd Day. I’ve learned so much about writing from reading blogs.

And I’ve met some wonderful writers and authors. 


4th Day. My blog helps me have a creative space separate from my mommy life.

When I log onto to my blog, everything is right where I left it.

No toast crumbs ever show up on greenlightlady.



5th Day. I’ve learned a ton about traditional and self-publishing from several  blogs I love to follow.

But it will still be a while before I get something out there.

And it will be done as best as I can thanks to all the wonderful help on the internet.


6th Day. Poetry, photography, and art blogs have inspired me to be more adventurous in my own creativity.

I absolutely recommend following a blog on something you’re curious about.


7th Day. I have personally benefited from recovery blogs that have encouraged me to be alert and not fall back into unhealthy patterns.  

I admire anyone who has admitted their need for help, reached out for it, and then turned around to help others.



8th Day. Marriage blogs are wonderful reminders to tend to ones own garden of love.

Love and respect are as crucial to a healthy relationship as sun and water are to flowers.


9th Day. I’ve discovered important pieces of information on blogs that have answered some of my longstanding questions. 

Browsing through the WordPress Reader is like walking through a library… including  the self-help section.

Knowledge can be empowering, comforting, and transforming.


10th Day. Laugh therapy is abundant in Bloggerville too.

If you make me laugh, I’ll be back.


11th Day. Spiritual inspiration in a fresh and genuine way is a huge draw for me.

My favorite inspiration is anything that encourages me to walk closer with our Creator and his creation.


12th Day. I love blogging because that’s how I met each one of you.

Sometimes I’m so touched by your blog posts or your comments here on my blog that I’m speechless.

If I’ve clicked the like button on your blog, it’s because there was something about that post that blessed me.

And nothing about blogging blesses me more than when I’ve touched you with encouragement or peace.


13th Day? A baker’s dozen__________________.

( It’s your turn to tell me what you love about blogging. )


Twelve Days of Blessings ~ Wendy ❀


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