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Why I L♥ve My Kindle



I’ve been enjoying my new Kindle 

so much

that I thought I’d share some late summer/early autumn pictures with you

 while I explain why I’m now in love with e-books

(I didn’t think this would ever happen to me).



The first reason why I’m head over heels

is because of the easy access to inspirational novels and educational books.

A lot of the books I plan to read are not available locally,

and since I’m a struggling newbie writer  polishing up my first novel

I appreciate how affordable e-books are to buy.

Within moments I can purchase and download a wonderful new read.

It’s especially nice to purchase an e-book that a blogger friend has written.

Indie authors get a decent percentage of the price of an e-book.

Believe me, writing a book is

a lot harder than I ever imagined it would be a lengthy labor of love.



The second reason why I love my Kindle

is because I can carry a whole bunch of books within a compact device.

This is handy when I’m doing the taxi-mama thing

since I can haul a library in my purse

and read to my heart’s content while waiting for one of my teens to finish a music lesson etc.

Right now I’m enjoying a novel and two three how-to books on publishing/writing.

The Kindle keeps my place in each book without any help from me.

My arthritic wrists appreciate how easy it is to hold a Kindle  (or prop it up).

No, I won’t be getting rid of my collection of antique books.

I love how warm and wonderful old books look on tables and shelves.



The third ( read forth—since I slipped in an extra one above)  reason I adore my Kindle

 is that I’ll be able to e-mail my novel draft to it

 so that I can read it from a different perspective (crossing my fingers that I’ll figure this out),

which is critical to trick my eyes into finding more things that I need to self-edit.

My Kindle can’t do housework, rub my back, or pay me a compliment;

but I love it none-the-less ❤ .



Now it’s your turn to tell me what you love (or don’t) about Kindles or e-books.


PS – I keep mine in its own handbag (made by yours truly).


Book-loving blessings ~ Wendy ❤



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