Site icon Wendy L. Macdonald

The Birth of Earth



The Birth of Earth


The painted skies of  sunrise to sunset

speak of passion within the Artist’s hand

The embroidered flower gardens and fields

tell of order and not haphazard plans


The sculptured mountains too magnificent

to be the humble work of chance

Oceans, rivers, creeks all run to proclaim

that they’ve been created to laugh and dance


The creatures move upon the earth and sky

to care for young that they’ve produced in pairs

While trees reach up as if to offer praise

and grow to anchor beneath the ground with care


And so the story of our beginning

continues to be narrated across this earth

While sun, moon, and stars echo the words

 Our existence is not by chance–but by birth.


Wendy ❀ 2014



For since the creation of the world

God’s invisible qualities–his eternal power

and divine nature–have been clearly seen,

being understood from what has been made,

so that men are without excuse.

Romans 1:20



In May this blog turned two years old.

I’ve shared a lot of pictures and poems in that time.

The pictures I share with you are usually the result

of having experimented with different angles and lighting.  



My favorite lighting is early morning or late afternoon.

 If it’s particularly bright out I  purposely take pictures of flowers

 in dappled light (especially white ones).  



My favorite place to take pictures is in my own garden.

This is because I can run into the house and grab my kneeling pad

 for close to the ground shots.

I can unabashedly contort myself into the oddest corners

and positions with only my family to occasionally catch me;

  but they are used to me and don’t even bat an eye.



I take lots of pictures of each subject.

The more time I spend–the more I experiment.

Often it’s the shot that was taken later in the shoot that becomes my favorite.

I’ve learned that it’s not about the kind of camera you own…

it’s the passion behind it that counts the most.

That’s true for so many things in life.


Living with Passion Blessings ~ Wendy ❀  



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