Site icon Wendy L. Macdonald

The Writer’s Cottage



The Writer’s Cottage


The writer’s cottage

holds within its walls

 dreams and wishes

fulfilled or dashed

tales both short and tall


The writer’s cottage

holds a bottomless well

filled with ink

and mysteries galore

that books will surely tell


The writer’s cottage

holds a special room

where prayers and poems

  are penned with love

and stories soon to bloom.


Wendy ❀ 2014



I would like to thank Jennifer at:

 for inviting me to participate in the

#mywritingprocess blog tour.

Jennifer, like me, is a Canadian writer of both prose and poetry.

 She lives in Newfoundland with her husband and two cats.

Her writing is both captivating and inspiring.

I look forward to reading her novel when it’s published.

I hope you’ll visit her blog and drink in the lovely seascapes she often posts.


I have invited three blogger friends to participate in the #mywritingprocess blog tour .

They, like me, are Christian writers.

All three of these friends have books or novels published already.

 You can check these out via the links on their blogs.


First, I’d like to introduce you to Heather Mertens

who is a highly inspiring blogger/writer/author at:

Here’s a bit about her in her own words:

Hi, I’m Heather! ‘Super race-runner’ after Jesus’ own heart.

Loved wife. Proud mom. Encourager. Deep soul lover. {YOURS!} Former Home School Mama. Big time laugher. Organic-foodie. Voice-over wannabe. Freelance writer & media-gal.

There. You know a lot about me now! I invite you into my space to get to know my soul deep. I’ve wandered through a life full of some incredible things… all of which God has laid on my heart to share. Let’s live, learn, love, and laugh together!


Secondly, I’d like to introduce you to Wanda MacAvoy

who is a lovely inspirational writer/blogger/author that I follow at:

Here’s a bit about Wanda in her own words:

My life is full as I serve the Lord at our church, and substitute in our local school district; however, the Lord has opened another path to me as an author. The desire to write has consumed my free time. God continues to put ideas into my head for stories that not only entertain but encourage my readers to take a look at life and see if there’s not some changes that could be made to walk a better walk , talk a clearer talk , and live life with one all-consuming purpose: glorifying our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


Thirdly, I like to introduce you to Steven S. Walsky (who many of you already know).

He is a blogger/writer/author that I’ve been following since I started my blog.

His writing is inspirational, romantic, and thought provoking.

 Here’s his profile and blog links:

Steven S. Walsky’s writings have been described as a ‘voice of the urban South’ flavored by his travels; an artist, ‘a painter with words.’
He has two blogs:

Simplicity Lane, where he posts narrative, poetry, and observations on writing. :

Words to Love By, where he posts inspirational thoughts on life and love as a Christian:




  Now I’ll answer the questions about my writing process


1. The project that I’m working on right now is editing my 1st novel draft.

It’s easier than writing it; although, not quite as much fun.

It’s a fast paced, intense, and suspenseful mystery.

I’ve woven both inspirational and romantic elements into it because:

Man cannot live by bread alone and it’s not good for man to be alone either.


2. My work differs from others of its genre

 in that it involves the readers intimately in the lives 

of the characters.

My subplots are intense.

(I know because they wrung a lot out of me.)

It’s a cozy mystery with an edge and a satisfying ending.

(My beta readers were thorough and blunt

 and wouldn’t allow me to achieve less. )


3.  I write what I do  because of a passionate response in me

to an event I have either witnessed, experienced or heard about.

My novel is driven by a desire for justice,

 restoration, and redemption.

I hope that readers will be both entertained and inspired.


4. My writing process is that I show up six mornings a week, at my computer,

whether I feel like it or not. 

Then I ignore everything and everyone (except to kiss my husband if he stops by).

I read over the writing of the day before and do minor edits to warm up my brain and reacquaint myself with where the characters are at

and how they’re feeling. 

Then I write and ignore any critical voices in my head( unless they scream).  

I know that I can delete an entire chapter later if I want to (I’ve done it).

My goals are always:

 -move the story forward

– inspire soul-searching

– evoke emotions.


I don’t write an outline.

  I need to have an element of surprise to keep me on my toes.

* Even I’m not sure who dunnit until close to the end. *


Finally, I’d like to thank Aquileana from:

 for nominating me for 4 awards.

I no longer participate in blog awards, but I appreciate the encouragement

she has given me on both WordPress and Twitter.

If you want to learn about Greek Mythology or get refreshed on it

then visit Aquileana’s blog.


Write On Blessings ~ Wendy



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