Site icon Wendy L. Macdonald

Speak Up



Speak Up


Fueled by their own fear and ignorance

A bully can come in any shape or size

attacking those they don’t understand

  abusing and overpowering those they despise


Toxic words and deeds load their guns

while their hearts spew molten lava of hate

Intolerant of those who disagree with them

and seeking out the gentle to shove and berate


How many lives have hung by a hopeless rope

woven of strands of isolation and rejection

because no one had the courage to speak up

thinking the risk was not their obligation?


Wendy ❀ 2014



I took these pictures of the Sea Lions at Fanny Bay, Vancouver Island.

They were a happy and noisy bunch.

But there was one that the others seemed to dislike.

It looked like a classic case of bullying.



Hating back is not the answer.



Do you have someone in your life that you’ve spoken up for?

Bullying can happen anywhere.


These creatures might look sluggish

 but they can swim up to 25 mph when threatened.

They are able to dive as deep as 600 ft for seafood

and not need air for about 40 min.


Their natural enemies are great white sharks

and killer whales.

Plastic garbage on beaches and waterways

are also dangerous for them if swallowed or wrapped around their necks.


These pictures show both Steller and California Sea Lions.

The larger and lighter colored ones are the Stellers.

They molt annually.


I found it intriguing that they prefer to remain cuddled up

 even when there’s no shortage of room.

In their natural habitat, their lifespan may as much as 25 years.


 The Steller males can get up to 1500 lbs ( females considerably smaller)

and 11 feet long.

As humans we need to stop environmentally bullying these animals.

 We need to stop littering and polluting.

Let’s clean up our act.


God asked us to exercise dominion–not destruction over creation.


Speak Up Blessings ~ Wendy ❀


Here’s a link to a 39 second video I took of the boisterous choir.


Here is a link to the CBC news report about  a rescue

 done in the same bay my video taken was in:



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