Site icon Wendy L. Macdonald

Micropoetry Medley


Micropoetry Medley



On Twitter I enjoy sharing micro-poems with other tweeters

and reading their poetry.



It is a busy online community that  includes many poets who love to share and read each others’ work.



I’ve noticed that since I’ve been spending regular time each morning

working on my first novel draft,

I don’t have the time and energy for writing longer poems (for now).



It is a season;

but I am enjoying writing the shorter ones

when a picture inspires me.



Today I am sharing some of the ones I’ve also shared elsewhere.

My novel draft is now over 30,000 words long and I am still aiming for about 85,000.



It’s going to be scary letting someone actually read it…

but in the meantime I’m enjoying the journey.



What journey are you taking or thinking of taking for the first time?

What made you decide to take the plunge?



Journey Blessings ~ Wendy



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