Site icon Wendy L. Macdonald

The Covering



The Covering


None has earned or deserved

 Your whitening grace which covers all

Each heart given the freedom

to heed or ignore this Mercy call


From Heaven’s storehouse

a blanket upon us all descends

May we embrace this Gift

not turn our backs in vain offense


The power of Love can conquer all

None so vile that stains remain

Let not pride hinder its work

that we might join in His refrain


He delights not in the death of lost

but in the faith that trusts His Love

for He will share all that is His

with those covered by Christ’s own blood.





During my break it snowed in my garden.



Oh, how glorious is the first snowfall!



It covered our entire town; everyone from all walks of life was covered in its purity.



God’s grace is also offered to all.



We are never bad enough not to receive it nor good enough not to need it.



We are truly equal.



I need to confess that I grumbled

when I first woke up on this cold and snowy morning…

“Why would anyone want to live so far from the equator?”



I made a miraculous recovery in my attitude;

my dear husband brought me a hot coffee.



Later, I bundled up in wool and went outside to take some pictures.



Enter his gates with thanksgiving

and his courts with praise;

give thanks to him and praise his name.

For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;

his faithfulness continues through all generations.

Psalm 100:4-5


Christmas Blessings to all of you ~ Wendy



PS – We’ve just had our second big snowfall…

I love taking snow pictures!


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