Site icon Wendy L. Macdonald

The Mountain Man



The Mountain Man


The mountain calls out his name

Upward he walks away from pain

Higher and higher he climbs

Each mile distancing his shame


The summit reached so soon

He overlooks the town below

Not wanting to return home

Content to dwell on heights he knows


For mountains speak of Majesty

No cruel words are heard on high

For here he’s known as a conquerer

Not a shy sojourner others pass by.





I am sharing with you some of the pictures I took while on the climb up Mt Becher. They are in the order that I took them.



It was a breathtaking hike which continued to reward our efforts with scenery that is unlike what one finds at sea level. ( This part of the path was the easiest…)



One of our sons has climbed this mountain several times.



The poem was written with him in mind. ( I say this with his permission.)



He is over six feet tall now, and so I doubt anyone will bully him again as they did in our previous neighborhood.



Bullies are cowards.


They fear anyone who does not act and think exactly like they do.


Bullies need a spiritual awakening.



Thank goodness there are people who think outside the box.



Both our sons have great friends now. Our family warmly welcomes them into our home without any reservations.



Our basement looks like a teen hangout with a large sofa, universal gym, musical instruments, and a ping-pong table. I love hearing homemade music travel up the stairway.



Abuse is not tolerated here. We all feel free and safe to speak our minds about anything.


Unconditional respect is encouraged.



We don’t always get it right; that’s where grace comes in…

Gracious Blessings ~ Wendy


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