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Bees and Blooms Medley



March Nonet


March delivered daffodil goblets

filled to the brim with sweet nectar

for busy bees to feast on

and gather for the hive

with sharing instincts

that help the whole

comb flourish



Wendy ❀ 2013



I went out to the back woodland garden to photograph flowers

and found that I was not alone in my appreciation of  the cheerful blooms.

 This was the most cooperative bumblebee I have ever met.



Daffodil Dance


Daffodils dance

under moody spring skies

Delightful rays of sunshine

March before our eyes

led by snowdrop splendor

and crowds of crocuses too

side by side grape hyacinths

under a canopy just as blue

Wendy ❀ 2013



Spring Haiku


Spring hearth rekindled

I bask in its gentle glow

Vernal Equinox

Wendy ❀ 2013



Daffodil Haiku


Daffodil delight

commencement of spring gold rush

happy hour for bees

Wendy ❀ 2013



The following poem was written by my (almost) 13 yr old daughter.

 We dedicate it to all the mothers who read this blog.

 She composed it out loud,

as I was rushing about the kitchen,

just before listening to her piano practice.

 I love her evening recitals.



The Busy Bee


What do I see?

A busy bee

buzzing from flower to flower

never giving herself

a moments rest

working hour after hour

Kara ❀ 2013


I believe God must have smiled to himself

as He designed spring blooms

knowing that they would delight and warm our hearts

after winter’s icy cold fingers had been pried off our gardens.

 Easter’s events pried the grip of sin and death

from those who believe and trust in the risen Christ.



I, once again, invite you to join me at:

Picture Scriptures

Bees and Blooms Blessings ❀  Wendy


PS – What’s blooming in your garden or neighborhood?


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