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Some Days



Some Days


Some days are simply set aside

for resting of the soul

when doing just cannot be done

and stillness is the goal

Some days are filled with silence

while listening for His voice

when waiting is the wisest way

and faith’s the finest choice

Some days are meant for battle

when darts of doubt are shot

extinguishing them with written Words

from wisdom that I’ve sought

Some days are gilded with glory

as answered prayers proclaim

that once again our Living Lord

formed beauty from our pain.



Ian and I recently went on a quest, one morning, to photograph some of our local scenery.  Normally I don’t find such a variety of birds in one outing.

It was one of those glorious and restful days…

Restful Blessings ~ Wendy

What do you like to do on a restful day?


He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.  Ecclesiastes 3:11


Heavenly Father, thank you for being so big that my mind cannot wrap itself around You.  And thank you for being such perfect love that my heart can be filled with You, after it has been cleansed with the sacrificial blood of your Son. 

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