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Ashen Sky



Ashen Sky


Soaring silhouettes on ashen sky

A backdrop painted grays of grief

Risen above trials to treasured respite

Burrowed between storms and calms reprieve

Time does not tarry until our death

Fast forward it flies unrestrained

Until today is but muted memories

for tomorrow’s tempestuous clouds of rain

to pour down drops of distilled wisdom

collected from life’s lessons learned

from pools of pain from pilgrims past

who’ve gleaned by grace they have not earned.


These bald eagles were soaring above our neighborhood.  I took these photos from in our garden.

Respite Blessings ~ Wendy

If you are not presently in a valley you are either on your way out of one or on your way into one.  Remembering that life ebbs and flows helps us to enjoy the up moments and not be overwhelmed by the down ones. This too shall pass.

but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; Isaiah 40:31

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