Site icon Wendy L. Macdonald

Thought Provoking and One Lovely Blog Awards

I would like to thank Tamara of for nominating me for the One Lovely Blog Award.  Her blog was one of the first I started following and I always enjoy visiting it.  I think you will too!


I would also like to thank Melody of Meanwhile, Melody Muses…  for not only nominating me – but letting me choose A thought-provoking Blog Award as my award!  I think it is so cool.  Melody’s blog is one I visit daily for both the thought-provoking poetry but also for the beauty she shares in the pictures.  Her writing and photography skills are impressive to put it mildly…


Here are the award rules (slightly paraphrased):

1. Post the award on your blog

2. Thank the one who nominated you and link back to their blog.

3. Nominate 7-12 other bloggers you admire and enjoy!

4. Share 7 things about yourself.

5. Inform each person that you have nominated them.


Here are some of my favorite blogs that I would like to nominate with no pressure to them to accept – but do accept my sincere compliments.  You may accept both awards if you don’t already have them.

1. penny coho …..

2. Christina~…..

3. Unshakable Hope…..

4. amphomma…..

5. Irene Tron – Joyful in Christ…..

6. Kitchen Keepers …..

7. Gracie’s Quest…..


7 things about Wendy/me!

1. I am born again & the first miracle God did in me was to heal me of eating disorders!

2. My daughter plays the piano for me each night.

3. I have two cameras in case one dies on me!

4. My youngest son draws better than me now.  We have been doing lessons for a few years, together, from a book.

5. My oldest son hikes a lot and is going to share some photos for me to blog about.  I’ll credit the photos to him.

6. I am madly in love with my personal garden bench maker, computer support technician and weekend chef.  He also happens to be my husband…

7. I love old-fashioned movies like Anne of Green Gables  ( Of course –  since I’m a Canadian gal! ).

Take care ~ Wendy


If you come to our house – this guy greets you at the door. He only barks when he wants something, so you’ll be okay…
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