Practice Makes Perfect Sense for the Soul

My grandson inadvertently reminded me that practice makes perfect sense for the soul too. He loves to practice his newly acquired skills as faithfully as an athlete prepares for the Olympic games. He’s recently learned how to put his own sun hat on, and he loves to take it off to practice putting it back on. Over. And. Over. Again. He offers to put mine on too.

Taking care of him several days a week has helped me practice living in the moment because there’s no such thing as hurry when you’re hanging out with a toddler; except, you need to hurry to catch up to a chubby set of legs that love to run around the garden plucking low-growing flowers. This is something he believes he needs to practice too, because he’s watched me deadhead blooms to encourage the growth of new ones.

Like my grandson who copies me, I watch and strive to imitate godly character traits I see in the Bible.

Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me,

or seen in me–put it into practice.

And the God of peace will be with you.

Philippians 4:9 NIV

Thankfully, we don’t have to practice alone. The Holy Spirit empowers us to follow through on our spiritual growth. Our flesh fails, but the Spirit helps us sail.

The Spirit gives life;

the flesh counts for nothing.

John 6:63 NIV

I’ve written this post in response to the latest Five Minute Friday prompt: Practice. You are invited to join here: FMF: Practice

I’ve added a poem because I’m in the habit of writing poetry in response to my morning Scripture readings.

I’m nosy-to-know what recent way you’ve noticed practice makes perfect sense for the soul too?

All praise to God
Who made our spirits alive
And empowers our hearts
To continue to strive
To grow more like Him
As our life goal
For true treasures overflow
From a Spirit-controlled soul.
~ wlm

My latest memoir-style post regarding recovery is now up on my other blog: Deep Faith When Facing Fear

Thank you to my lovely daughter for taking these photos. <3

16 thoughts on “Practice Makes Perfect Sense for the Soul

  1. Good afternoon, Wendy. I so enjoyed your pictures. The rhythm of your words throughout this post were slow and steady, as if in practice mode. Just beautiful. I am happy to share I am back to FMF. It’s been awhile, but the time has come to return.

    1. Thank you, dear Julie. I had extra time this morning after doing my journal writing so I checked what the FMF prompt was and immediately thought of my grandson. I enjoy the prompts because the outcome is a surprise to the author too. But God knew.
      Blessings as you enjoy the prompts again. I’m a sporadic participant for now; it’s grammie season at my house. <3

  2. I loved seeing these photos and lessons learned while being with your Grandson, Wendy! And you are right–they take such joy in practicing what they have learned. May I allow the Lord to bring that joy into my daily moments also, watching for the lessons that He is calling me to practice. Blessings to you!

  3. Beautiful post, Wendy. Haven’t been on much…was gone for about a year, only recently back. So much life, transition, and even at 65 my life is not slowing down, but I still have time for my grandchildren. They grow up so fast, almost every week-end we have two of our grandchildren here at least one night. Happy Mothers Day. God bless. Karen

    1. Thank you, dear Karen. What a blessing you are so involved in your grandchildren’s lives. I hope to be able to continuing seeing my grandson as often as I do now if it be God’s will. Happy Mother’s Day, dear friend.

  4. I enjoyed your sweet story and the lesson that goes with it. Your daughter caught some lovely photos. Thanks.

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