Potential is Propelled by Providence (Five Minute Friday)

Potential is Propelled by Providence (Five Minute Friday) Wendy L. Macdonald

Potential is something I believe my writing life has been given ever since I took a chance and started blogging seven years ago. And because I’ve since found out writers need to have an online presence, and an active engagement with potential readers, I’m glad I dove into blogging. The reason I started my website was because I noticed I loved to express my faith on Facebook. And since I had so much I wanted to say, I began a blog.

Writers write because that’s who they are—writers. When we write daily and submit our work for critiques and edits, we increase the potential we will eventually be traditionally published.

Potential is Propelled by Providence (Five Minute Friday) Wendy L. Macdonald

Yes, that’s my goal. I believe having a desire is the first step required for potential. And as one of my favorite Goethe quotes suggests, we invite Providence to step in and step up our potential of reaching the dream we’re pursuing when we go for it with all we’ve got.

(Five minutes of writing ended here; but as I was saying, I have more to say.)

“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.

Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.”

~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Potential is Propelled by Providence (Five Minute Friday) Wendy L. Macdonald

Commit to the LORD whatever you do,

and he will establish your plans.

Proverbs 16:3 NIV

Have you got an idea brewing in the background that needs to be brought to the foreground of your day planner?

If you’d like to join in the Five Minute Friday prompt, click here: Potential.

Potential is propelled
When we place our plans with God
Because His will always prospers
And it’s better than any we’ve got
Potential is potent
When we follow Spirit-led passion
Because we’re made by Him
Who knows exactly how we’re fashioned.
~ wlm

Potent with potential blessings ~ Wendy Mac

P.S. Earlier this week, I wrote on HeartWingsBlog about a dear friend of mine who was the first person to encourage my writing dream.

Potential is Propelled by Providence (Five Minute Friday) Wendy L. Macdonald

24 thoughts on “Potential is Propelled by Providence (Five Minute Friday)

    1. Thank you, dear Melinda. Brave is an appropriate adjective. It takes me ages to complete writing and editing my longer posts that have also been published as podcasts. I usually take five minutes to post a comment or reply. 🙂 Blessings on your weekend.

  1. I am thankful for the potential given to writers. God gives us all special, unique gifts. We need to be ready and willing to share those gifts with others. 🙂

  2. Encouraging post! Who knows what can be achieved if we just take the first step and continue on, even if we don’t know how it will end. I really like that von Goethe quote you posted! Visiting you through the FMF challenge. 🙂

    1. Thank you, dear Aneta. I enjoy the mystery of not knowing how it will end. That’s what attracts me to writing in response to the prompts. I never know where they’re going to go. Blessings ~ Wendy

  3. Thank you for sharing these encouraging words. I love the way that you have described our potential and our goals as coming from the foundation of the Lord’s own creativity within us. Amen! Oh, may I seek to listen more to His nudges and prompts to keep moving forward into His potential for me. Blessings to you!

    1. Hi Bettie, I’m glad you noticed that. <3 God is omnipotent and knows exactly how and why He designed us the way we are gifted. Life is an adventure journey of living out His will so He may be glorified in ways we never imagined. Sometimes it hurts. But cross bearing is the most beautiful obedience we can do. Blessings back to you, dear friend.

  4. Wendy, this is such beautiful encouragement! I love the idea that our
    “Potential is propelled
    When we place our plans with God”
    Thank you for inspiring me tonight! Blessings to you!

    1. Thank you, dear Gayl. I think you would love the whole quote by Goethe as he refers to Providence. It blesses me each time I read it. It inspired my words about potential being propelled. <3 Blessings ~ Wendy beinghttps://www.goodreads.com/quotes/1465306-until-one-is-committed-there-is-hesitancy-the-chance-to

  5. Dear Wendy, I have loved seeing God propel your potential according to His plans! It is a beautiful thing, for sure! Your photography combined with His word and your poems is so so moving! Thank you so much for encouraging us with your 5 minutes!

      1. And,to you too Wendy. Went to see a lovely musical, G&S “Pirates of Penzance” last night. It was really humourous and I particularly enjoyed the melodious songs! Have a nice evening. 🙂

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