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Adapting to Parenthood

Adapting to Parenthood

Adapting to parenthood was one of the hardest things for me to do.

Living just the two of us, as husband and wife, for over a decade became a worn-cozy glove that was hard to take off and replace with mama mittens. Yeah, I felt like I was wearing mittens much of those early days of motherhood because I couldn’t complete folding a basket of laundry without being interrupted—never mind complete any other projects.

Even having a bath had to be scheduled and planned so I wouldn’t end up breastfeeding with bath bubbles still clinging to me—never mind the fear of having to nurse a babe in the tub.

But the adaptation process for parenthood took less time than it took to adjust to marriage because I had a husband who wasn’t afraid to take over cooking or cleaning when needed; although, he refused to vacuum clean.* But a little dust never killed anyone—right?

God has a tender heart for mothers of babies. He cares for her heart while she carries her young close to hers, and He breathes love into her well so she can love well.

Here ends my entry for the Five Minute Friday prompt sponsored by the word: Adapt.

You can join the fun here: Five Minute Friday Link-Up

Do you feel stuck? Here’s a word of encouragement for you: Stuck Doesn’t Mean Stop 

Now I’d like to add a few Christian quotes related to parenthood:

Children are not casual guests in our home.

They have been loaned to us temporarily for the purpose of loving them

and instilling a foundation of values

on which their future lives will be built.

~ James Dobson

There is not greater privilege in living

than bringing a tiny new human being into the world

and then trying to raise him or her properly during the next eighteen years.

Doing that job right requires all the intelligence, wisdom and determination

you will be able to muster from day to day.

~ James Dobson

Each day of our lives we make deposits

in the memory banks of our children.

~ Chuck Swindoll

Nothing can bring a real sense of security into the home

except true love.

~ Billy Graham

All your children will be taught by the LORD,

and great will be their peace.

Isaiah 54:13 NIV

*By the way, in completing this prompt I realized something that helped me forgive myself for something I’ve felt bad about for years. When I asked my husband for permission to mention his refusal to use our vacuum cleaner, I remembered he always fills my car up with gas because I hate going to gas stations (There’s a long story behind why; but I won’t go into it here.).

Grace is the grease that keeps families thriving in peace.


Adaptation is a blessing

God has given each of us

When we walk through life changes

Day by day with Him we trust.

~ wlm

What other grease is important to apply to relationships?

Nosy-to-know blessings ~ Wendy

Do you feel stuck? Here’s a word of encouragement for you: Stuck Doesn’t Mean Stop



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