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Spring Melt Poetry Devotional

Spring Melt Poetry Devotional by Wendy L. Macdonald

Five Minute Friday Prompt: “Turn”

* “Turn your eyes to the Lord and away from the worries of the world because He owns the planet—never mind the universe too.

I needed this reminder to turn away from doubts and turn towards the One who is more than able to fulfill every single promise He has made to His people. For He did not save us to abandon us halfway through the sanctification process.

But those of us who have experienced abuse or abandonment have a tendency to turn away from faith and turn towards fear. Fear was part of our past—a big part of it. We tried to win the love of those who seemed impossible to please. But eventually we saw they were afraid too. They also needed to turn towards the One who could set them free.

Our job is to believe what He has promised so that our healing helps them and others see they may turn to the Living Christ too.

* This first section was written in response to the Five Minute Friday prompt: Turn. You are invited to join along here: FMF Link-up

Spring Melt

A tiny glimpse
Of God’s Face
Who melts me
Into a million puddles
Each flower petal
Soft feathers of His wing
Covering me warm
With love songs
Birds build nests
And lay clutches to brood
Eggs filled with hope
Birthing new life

~ wlm


Flowers appear in the earth;

the season of singing has come,

the cooing of doves is heard in our land.

Song of Solomon 2:12 NIV


My dear husband and I have been lapping up the loveliness of the season every chance we get. And when I hesitate to step outside, he takes me by the hand to enjoy a nature walk with him. So many blessings happen when we say yes.

God wants us to enjoy Him too.

Why else would He create a vast variety of flowers, birds, and trees? He wants us to turn to Him, taste and see Him, and believe He is good.

O taste and see that the LORD is good;

blessed is the man that trusteth in him.

Psalm 34:8 KJV  

You’re invited to read my short post on InScribe about why I write. I share my “Life Verse” too. Do you have a life verse? I’m nosey-to-know. Click here: InScribe

On my other blog I shared a post to encourage writers and creatives. You’re invited to read it here: Wendy L. Macdonald

My weekly podcasts can be heard here (In this week’s podcast I talked about the newest member of our family <3 ): HopeStreamRadio or here: SoundCloud

I’m honored to be a guest on Catherine Castle’s blog, where I shared a bit about my garden and a bit about someone else who melts my heart into a million puddles: A Writer’s Garden

Have you turned to faith? I’m nosy-to-know. 

 Turned to Christ Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

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