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The Joy of Journaling: How Journal Writing Helps Beat the Blues

The Joy of Journaling: How Journal Writing Helps Beat the Blues Wendy L. Macdonald blog


The Joy of Journaling: How Journal Writing Helps Beat the Blues

Through the joy of journaling, I’ve beaten the blues and discovered there’s no such thing as a coincidence with God. And I’ve got some evidence to share with you that supports my theory.
Recently, I was sorting through some old blog posts of mine and I came across one where I shared a link to an article I’d written for International Christian Fiction Writers. It was titled: Journaling is Good for the Author’s Heart. I decided I would work on an article for my own blog and link it back to the original article too.



And I knew what pictures I would feature on my blog. I had a batch of blue flowers I’d photographed in my garden. Columbine, forget-me-not, periwinkle, and bachelor-button bloom every spring in my flower borders (and outside of them too). All year-long, but especially in spring, I drag my kneeling pad across our property and capture God’s dainty artwork at eye level magnificence.

~ * <3 * ~

Once again, I recently experienced the blessing of beating the blues through journal writing. I woke up remembering disturbing things I’d heard on the news, and heard in my circle of loved ones. So, as usual, I dug into my Bible and read until I found the encouragement I needed, and then I wrote out my verse of the day which happened to be Psalm 93:1 NIV:

The LORD reigns, he is robed in majesty;

the LORD is robed in majesty and is armed with strength.

The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved.


Wow, even ISIS can’t topple our planet.



Then I scribbled down the fears that were drowning me in a deep blue sea of melancholy. The fears had encircled me like sharks and told me my writing is pointless. But as I wrote, the Spirit reminded me He is my Rock, and He is the Rock that doesn’t waver. Feelings aren’t facts. They’re simply messengers reminding me I need to find my hope in Him.

The earth is firmly in His hands

and cannot be moved outside the boundary of His plans.

Bad news and sad moods don’t change the fact God is still a Strong Tower. Your Strong Tower, my Strong Tower. And as I continued to mediate on His Word, I wrote some words of my own in my journal that helped me climb out of the blue of me and into the Light of He—He who is stronger than anything or anyone else.

He who is Love.



I took this torch of joy and I prayed for the Body of Christ who covers this mostly godless globe of strife, and I prayed we’d all trust and draw so close to Him that others would ask the reason for our joy—for our hope.

God’s joy is the antidote for melancholy.

I’m not supposed to be satisfied with me. I’m to be satisfied in Him. The moods that melt any tower I’ve built are the paths that lead me back to the Strong Tower of God. He’s the One who reigns. My moods expressed in my journal help rein me back into the arms of He who is robed in majesty and strength.



Now here’s where I share a so-called coincidence that I believe God orchestrated so I wouldn’t forget to share The Joy of Journaling with you. That morning, on Facebook, after I’d finished my quiet time and writing, I spotted the very article I had stumbled across the day before.

~ * <3 Providence <3 * ~

It showed up on my Facebook home page, as a suggested memory to share with my friends. But instead of sharing it then, I decided to take it as providential hint I’m supposed to follow through with today’s podcast.

I may have woke up feeling aches and pains that matched the melancholy blue of my mind, but the Word of God reminded me HE still reigns and the Lord is still robed in strength.



Do you journal? Have you thought about keeping notes of what verses jump off the page and hug you with the hope and joy of the Lord?

Please consider giving it a go. And I’d love to hear from you if you do because I believe journal writing helps beat the blues.
Here’s the poem I wrote on that providential morning:

(Oh, and by the way, before I close with the poem, I’m pleased to share that I ended up writing twice as much as usual on that morning. And I heard back from a magazine that they’re interested in one of my devotional articles. Ha, ha, Satan, I’m God’s girl. Wow, here’s another PS. Just as I was about to record this podcast, an e-mail arrived containing a contract for me to sign regarding one of my articles. Wow, this isn’t a coincidence.)

This is Providence. Now here’s the poem:

Our hearts need not faint
For God still reigns in majesty
And He watches over the saints
To ensure each soul’s victory.

Have you signed up for my monthly newsletter yet? Those who signed up, before my June letter went out, already know about my new contract with the magazine. I hope you’ll join me here: Wendy’s Monthly Newsletter

Providential Blessings ~ Wendy <3

My latest podcast can be heard here: HopeStreamRadio or here: Wendy’s SoundSound.



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