May Haiku Medley



The Key


Prayer is the key

to unlock a heart with faith

and lock out all fear




Build Up


Focus on the best

Build him up and don’t tear down

Stand beside your man






If you believe

you’ll see the glory of God

Walk by faith – not sight






Sunshine on flowers

spotlights creation’s beauty

Basking in limelight






Parcels wrapped with pain

require believing hands

to unwrap the gift






Thank you for gardens

and seeds that I can plant there

Lord of the harvest






First rose of the year

Shed no tears – for winter’s past

Aroma of love






Two hearts joined in love

a journey for a lifetime

Eternal soul mates




May Flower Blessings ~ Wendy



PS – One year ago today I posted my first entry on greenlightlady.  I did not start with poetry; however, because of the warm reception I received when I posted one, I decided to come out of my poetry closet.  Poems have been pouring out of my heart since childhood.

I would like to thank the following  bloggers for either reblogging one of my posts or nominating me for an award. And since I no longer participate in awards – this is my way of sharing the blog love that has been passed my way.

I have found some of my favorite blogs  by reading through lists of blogs that others have posted – as I have just done. Be sure to check these out, because you may find a treasure or two suited perfectly for you! xo

And of course do not forget to visit my Bible blog at:

Thank you for your visit to greenlightlady.




He has made everything beautiful in its time.  

Ecclesiastes 3:11



72 thoughts on “May Haiku Medley

  1. Hello Wendy_Lee!! 🙂

    I’m so happy I got to read this before going to bed…you have a great weekend, Wendy! Hugs and love….Paula xxxxx

  2. What a great medley, and the poems themselves go together like a bouquet of wisdom and encouragement!

    I have seen the best and worst of my kids come out while I’ve been battling a stomach bug for the past day…it’s good to sit and read these reminders of prayer, faith, and love. Have a beautiful weekend–Alison

  3. Wendy, thank you; your beautiful pictures and prose have made the world a brighter place.

  4. I love the idea of prayer being a key that “locks out fear”–and I’ll be pondering the “parcels wrapped with pain” one. Lovely photos as well, Wendy. God bless you–love, sis Caddo

      1. Ahh YES, that’s excellent Wendy–I love having visuals to help me with scripture verses, so I appreciate you helping me out here. This past week, since I was having a crisis, I was struggling with Rom 8:28–so your words are “working” for me today! Love you!

    1. Julian, it’s been rainy here in May. April was sunnier. Our rose is: Rosa Frau Dagmar Hastrup – (Poulsen /1914) It is planted against the south side of a fence – very sheltered. Thank you for your visit. 🙂

  5. Like always, beautiful pictures. it helps us all to take a minute and notice the beauty of God’s creation that is all around us. Thanks for continuing to use your talents for His glory. It is a blessing to us all.

  6. I loved the one about the parcel wrapped in pain. We’re always happy to receive the “good stuff.” The others – not so much. Thank you for the beauty of your poetry and “picturey”. Thanks also for listing my blog.

    Finally, congratulations on the first anniversary! A lot of blessing has gone forth in that time.

  7. A whole year – you’re just like me. I didn’t start off writing poetry at all – I never even knew I could write poetry, actually. I so love your little gems in this post – especially, the one about unwrapping pain parcels with hands of faith resonates deep within, Wendy. Thank you for your faithfulness in writing God’s truth in such beautiful ways!

    1. Thank you, Melody! Some parcels are wrapped in sandpaper that slough off the roughness of selfishness. Parenthood is a good example of this kind. But under the rough surfaces the softness of deep joy and love are found. I guess I better write another poem…

  8. It’s hard to pick a favorite Wendy, these are all beautiful! Congrats on reaching a year, and finding your poetry through the blogging world. We are all blessed to see your images and words. Thanks for the list of other poets, I will check them out.

  9. I love to come here with my cup of coffee in the morning. What a blessing to walk with you through your flower garden and smelling the sweet fragrance of Christ through your gracious poetry!!! Blessings and love, dear poet friend!

    1. What a sweet aroma you have sent my way, dear Heidi! I love how your walks in the woods are hand in hand with the Maker of them. There is always a holy hush about your posts that give me peace. xo

    1. Calee, we seem to have similar photography interests… on Friday I got a picture of a heron eating a fish; but the zoom on my camera is too weak and it turned out very blurry. When I upgrade my camera I know where to find the herons. xo

  10. I love your poems, and your photos. Happy blogoversay!!!! You inspired me in so many ways. I will be reading your suggestions as far as blogs. Blessings lovely lady. Shazza

  11. Wendy, as always your photos and words uplift.. I especially love the ones titled “Believe”, “Build Up”, and “Love”. Thanks for sharing your words.

    I will catch up with the rest of your newer entries. In the meantime, I will go and fold clothes, my share in this laundry effort. 🙂

  12. Some really unique flower that I’ve never seen before in your pics. So lovely! The Lord sure does create things in His time. Although it’s so sad when beautiful flowers die off so quickly, I think that’s how we come to appreciate their re-growth again immensely.

    Thanks so much for sharing about your own daughter’s swimming lessons. That’s awesome that she got to learn how to! It was really terrible that day that I had almost drowned in that hotel pool so many years ago. There wasn’t a lifeguard and it was another girl around my age then, who had thrown to me a floater, so I was able to pull myself out. Although the experience probably had been less than 2 minutes, it felt like an eternity trying to get outta that water. My sis is thinking about joining the Navy. Not sure if she’ll ever go for it. But I hope she does, so that we can take swimming lessons together beforehand.

    1. It’s always wise to respect the dangers of swimming even if one knows how to swim. I had to be rescued when I was a preteen because I was not paying attention to how deep the water was when I jumped in. I panicked and started to flail around.

      I LOVE swimming–but I never swim alone or take chances. ❀

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