Wounded in Time


Wounded in Time





Markings in time

Battle scars

on surface heal

much quicker

than those of the mind




Conversations in time

Scarred hearts

on the inside heal

much slower

than the other kind.


Like everyone else on this planet – I’ve said and heard hurtful words.  A sincere apology and the offering of forgiveness is more than a bandage. It is the beginning of true healing.

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”  Ephesians 4:29

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”  Ephesians 4:32

Words of Blessing ~ Wendy

15 thoughts on “Wounded in Time

  1. Those inner scars are tough to heal for sure. Sometimes a memory comes up and the scar threatens to become a wound again. Take it to the cross all over again; only Jesus can bear the full burden of our hurts! Only God can forgive perfectly…when anger resurfaces I bring that to God, too. As He forgave me, so I must forgive others. I am so grateful for his love and patience and ability to heal us.

  2. It may be very difficult to forgive those who have hurtfully wronged us, but when we forgive we are a living testimony of the great forgiveness our Savior has shown to us. Lord bless you Wendy. Thank you for a great reminder for all of us. Rob

    1. When it is difficult, I am reminded of Corrie ten Boom and how she asked the Lord to help her forgive a former prison guard who had been awful to her sister and her… that was a powerful story! Even in the decision to forgive – He provides the strength. Thank you, Pastor Rob, for teaching the good news!
      Blessings ~ Wendy

  3. What a timely word, poem and photos for us, Wendy. I am so thankful for the forgiveness that is shown to me, and the way He helps me to forgive too. God bless you and the beautiful way He speaks through your poems and pictures . .through YOU!

  4. This message is in several blogs I’ve read tonight, so God must really want to impress it on His children. Those inner bruises and scars do linger, sometimes a lifetime–and I truly appreciate your comment to Debbie, that we need to forgive ourselves; that’s a tough one. God bless you–love, Caddo

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